Wikipedia:Catholic Encyclopedia cat Documents

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Catholic Encyclopedia articles (edit)

Main article: Wikipedia:Catholic Encyclopedia by category

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[edit] A

  1. Acts of the Martyrs (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Ad Universalis Ecclesiae (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Amra (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Ecclesiastical Annals or Annals, Ecclesiastical (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. Apophthegmata Patrum (CE | wp gwp g)
  6. Apostolicæ Servitutis (CE | wp gwp g)
  7. Apostolici Ministerii (CE | wp gwp g)
  8. Apostolici Regiminis (CE | wp gwp g)
  9. Apostolicum Pascendi Munus (CE | wp gwp g)
  10. Ascendente Domino (CE | wp gwp g)
  11. Auctorem Fidei (CE | wp gwp g)
  12. Ausculta Fili (CE | wp gwp g)
  13. Autos Sacramentales (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] B

  1. Coptic Versions of the Bible or Bible, Coptic Versions of the (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Manuscripts of the Bible or Bible, Manuscripts of the (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Picture Bibles or Bibles, Picture (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Rhymed Bibles or Bibles, Rhymed (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. Briefs and Bulls (CE | wp gwp g) -- docu

[edit] C

  1. Chartulary (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Collectarium (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] D

  1. Didascalia Apostolorum (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] E

  1. Extravagantes (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] G

  1. Gallia Christiana (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] J

  1. Early Historical Documents on Jesus Christ or Jesus Christ, Early Historical Documents on (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] L

  1. Latin Literature in Christianity (Before the Sixth Century) (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Latin Literature in Christianity (Sixth to Twentieth Century) (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Classical Latin Literature in the Church (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Ecclesiastical Letters or Letters, Ecclesiastical (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. Liber Septimus (CE | wp gwp g)
  6. Liturgical Books (CE | wp gwp g)
  7. Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assissi (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] M

  1. Margaritae (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Acts of the Martyrs or Martyrs, Acts of the (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Micrologus (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Monita Secreta (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] N

  1. Necrologies (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Nomocanon (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Notitia Provinciarum et Civitatum Africae (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] O

  1. Octavarium Romanum (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Ordinos Romani (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] P

  1. Periodi (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Catholic Periodical Literature or Periodical Literature, Catholic (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Picture Bibles (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Plenarium (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] R

  1. Parochial Registers or Registers, Parochial (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Rolls Series (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Constitutio Romanos Pontifices or Romanos Pontifices, Constitutio (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Sacra Romana Rota or Rota, Sacra Romana (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. Rotuli (CE | wp gwp g)
  6. The Royal Declaration or Royal Declaration, The (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] S

  1. Supremi disciplinæ (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Syntagma Canonum (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] V

  1. Vineam Domini (CE | wp gwp g)