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Caturaí is a small town and municipality in central Goiás state, Brazil. The population was 4,453 (2005 estimate) in a total area of 206 km².

  • Elevation: 763
  • Became a city: 1958
  • Postal code: 75430-000

Caturaí is 32 kilometers north of Goiânia and belongs to the Anápolis Microregion. It is connected to the state capital by highway GO-070. Neighboring municipalities are: Inhumas, Goiânia, Santa Bárbara de Goiás, Araçu, Avelinópolis, and Trindade.

The climate is tropical with minimum temperatures of 17ºC and maximums of 27ºC. The terrain is flat and is bathed by the Rio Peixe, which has its source in the municipalitiy of Inhumas, and the Rio Anicuns, which forms the boundary with Avelinópolis.

The vegetation is rich in forest and fertile lands. The flora is characterized by cerrado.

Demographic and Political Data

  • Population density in 2003: 21.19 inhab/km²
  • Population growth rate 1991-2000: 0,52.%
  • Population in 1980: 3,899
  • Population in 1991: 4,134
  • Urban population in 2003: 3,278
  • Rural population in 2003: 1,112
  • Eligible voters in 2004: 3,678
  • City government: mayor (Luiz Carlos de Sousa), vice-mayor (Alcino Ribeiro da Silva), and 09 councilmembers
  • Households: 1,235

The main economic activity is cattle raising, but there are also plantations of beans, soybeans, corn, and peanuts.

  • Cattle herd in 2004: 25,140
  • Poultry: 45,110
  • rice: 1,000 hectares
  • sugar cane: 199 hectares
  • corn: 2,800 hectares
  • modest production of tomatoes, citrus fruits, beans, manioc, and bananas

Economic Aspects

  • industrial units in 2005: 09
  • retail units in 2005: 18
  • GDP in 2003: R$18.520 million
  • GDP in 2002: R$16.645 million (0.05% of the state GDP)
  • GDP per capita in 2003: R$4,201 (below the state average)
  • GDP per capita in 2002: R$3,795 (state average was R$5,921)
  • automobiles in 2004: 370

Health and Education

  • Infant mortality rate in 2000: 21.15
  • There were 03 public health clinics (SUS) in 2003.
  • Literacy rate in 2000: 83.2
  • There were 02 schools in 2005, with 20 classrooms, 43 teachers, and 1,246 students.

Ranking on the Municipal Human Development Index

  • Life expectancy: 70.08
  • Adult literacy rate: 0.812
  • School attendance rate: 0.793
  • MHDI: 0.728
  • State ranking: 152 (out of 242 municipalities)
  • National ranking: 2,471 (out of 5,507 municipalities)

All data are from 2000

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