Catullus 8

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Catullus 8 is a poem by the Roman writer Catullus about his mistress Lesbia, addressed to himself. The meter is choliambic.


[edit] Text

Line Latin text English translation
1 miser Catulle desinas ineptire Wretched Catullus, stop making a fool of yourself.
2 et quod vides perisse perditum ducas And consider lost that which you see has come to an end.
3 fulsere quondam candidi tibi soles The bright suns once shone for you,
4 cum ventitabas quo puella ducebat When you were often coming where the girl was leading—
5 amata nobis quantum amabitur nulla No girl will be loved as much as she had been loved by us.
6 ibi illa multa cum iocosa fiebant When those playful things were happening there,
7 quae tu volebas nec puella nolebat Which you were willing to do and the girl was not unwilling,
8 fulsere vere candidi tibi soles Truly the bright suns shone for you.
9 nunc iam illa non volt tu quoque inpotens noli[1] Now at last that girl is not willing; you also, though lacking self-control, be unwilling,
10 nec quae fugit sectare nec miser vive And do not pursue she who flees nor live as a lovesick man,
11 sed obstinata mente perfer obdura But endure with a determined mind; be resolute.
12 vale puella iam Catullus obdurat Goodbye, girl. Already Catullus is hardened,
13 nec te requiret nec rogabit invitam And neither looks nor will ask for you unwilling girl.
14 at tu dolebis cum rogaberis nulla But you yourself will be sorry when you are never asked for again.
15 scelesta vae te quae tibi manet vita Wicked one, woe to you! What life awaits you?
16 quis nunc te adibit cui videberis bella Who will come to you now? To whom will you seem cute?
17 quem nunc amabis cuius esse diceris Whom will you love now? Whose will you be said to be?
18 quem basiabis cui labella mordebis Whom will you kiss? Whose lips will you nibble?
19 at tu Catulle destinatus obdura But you, Catullus, remain hardened.

[edit] Poetic Devices Used

elision: Elision is a poetic device in which reading a text where one word ending in a vowel or -um is followed by another word beginning with a vowel, the end sound of the first word is dropped. SO instead of reading the words in ioco atque vino from Catullus 13 as it appears, the o of the word ioco is dropped. SO it would be read as in iocatque vino.

[edit] Notes

  1. ↑  The end of line 9 is missing in all extant manuscripts: the line ends at tu quoque inpote, and the end of the line has been reconstructed as tu quoque inpotens noli based on the grammar, context, and meter of the line.

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