Catherine yronwode

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The correct title of this article is catherine yronwode. The initial letter is shown capitalized due to technical restrictions.
catherine yronwode in 1977
catherine yronwode in 1977

catherine ("cat") yronwode (born May 12, 1947) is a writer and editor with an extensive career in the comic book industry and the field of folk magic.


[edit] Biography

She was born Catherine Manfredi in San Francisco to "bohemian/academic parents"[1], and grew up in Berkeley and Santa Monica, and traveling abroad. She attended Shimer College in Illinois as an early entrant, but dropped out, living as a hippie in various places including Tolstoy Peace Farm, an anarchist commune in Washington.

A freelance writer for many years, yronwode has been published in a number of fields. She began writing while in her teens, contributing to science fiction fanzines. During the 1960s she was a member of the Bay Area Astrologers Group and co-wrote their weekly astrology column for the underground newspaper San Francisco Good Times Express and produced record reviews on a freelance basis for the nascent Rolling Stone magazine and short articles on low-tech living for the Whole Earth Catalog and Country Women magazine. With her mother Liselotte Glozer, she co-wrote and hand-lettered the faux-medieval cook book, My Lady's Closet Opened and the Secret of Baking Revealed by Two Gentlewomen (Glozer's Booksellers, 1969). During the 1990s she was a staff editor and contributor to Organic Gardening Magazine. The California Gardener's Book of Lists (Taylor, 1998) is one of her books on gardening. Other subjects she has covered for various magazines include collectibles, popular culture, rural acoustic blues music, early rock'n'roll, and sex magick.

She met her former partner, Peter Paskin, in 1967 and they invented their last name "Yronwode" in 1969 (it is pronounced "Ironwood"). While living at the Equitable Farm commune in Mendocino County, they were interviewed at length by Rolling Stone magazine for an article on hippie anarchist communes. The couple had two children; Cicely, (who died of SIDS) and Althaea, born in 1971. In 1972, the Yronwodes relocated to The Garden of Joy Blues, a commune in the Missouri Ozarks. In 1976, catherine and Peter Yronwode broke up.

In 1980 yronwode began a long-running column titled "Fit to Print" for the Comics Buyer's Guide. The column was widely read and gave her a gatekeeper role in comics. Beanworld creator Larry Marder credits her positive review therein for the title's success.[2]. Similarly, when Dan Brereton received a poor review from yronwode for an early project, he felt his "promising career in comics was over".[3] The column, and her work with the APA-I comic-book indexing cooperative, led to freelance editing jobs for Kitchen Sink Press, an important early alternative comics imprint. She wrote The Art of Will Eisner in 1981, an overview of the work of seminal cartoonist Will Eisner, and continued to write books for Kitchen Sink for several years.

In 1981 she began a partnership with Dean Mullaney, who with his brother Jan had co-founded Eclipse Enterprises, a comic book and trading card publisher, in 1976. With yronwode as editor-in-chief during a period of expanding attention to the art form, Eclipse published many innovative works and championed creators' rights in a field which at the time barely respected them. During her tenure, Eclipse published titles including Miracleman, The Rocketeer, and Zot!. Mullaney and yronwode were married in 1987 and divorced in 1993; Eclipse went bankrupt in 1994.

Yronwode was involved in two important free expression court cases. In the Michael Correa case that led to the founding of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, yronwode was an expert witness for the defense.[4] In 1992, Eclipse was a plaintiff when Nassau County, New York seized a crime-themed trading card series they had published, under a county ordinance prohibiting sales of certain trading cards to minors. The case, in which yronwode testified and the ACLU provided Eclipse's representation, reached the 2nd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, where the ordinance was overturned.[5][6][7]

Yronwode is also notable in the history of Usenet for having written a complaint that was indirectly responsible for the closing of the University of Texas's mail-to-news gateway by Fletcher Mattox in 1995.

Since the 1990s, yronwode has written primarily on magic and folklore subjects, particularly the world-wide use of charms and talismans and the system of African American folk magic called hoodoo. Her books on these subjects include The Lucky W Amulet Archive (online), Hoodoo in Theory and Practice (online), Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic (Lucky Mojo, 2002), and Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course (Lucky Mojo, 2006).

Yronwode lives in Forestville, California in "tantric partnership"[1] with tyagi nagasiva (now nagasiva bryan w yronwode), whom she met in 1998 and married in 2000. Both yronwodes worked in the production department of Claypool Comics until that company ceased print publication in 2007. Since 1996 catherine has run the website, covering magic, occultism, sex magick, and folklore subjects. When nagasiva joined her in 1998, the site also hosted his work, and today it includes text archives including the works of Aleister Crowley, the lyrics of Pink Floyd's Syd Barrett, essays on sex and architecture, magic spells, and annotated blues lyrics related to hoodoo. The website sells occult items and books through an online shop, and also hosts a hoodoo podcast. Catherine also runs the scholarly website, which documents 19th and 20th century hoodoo folk magic through slave and ex-slave narratives, vintage newspaper and magazine articles, and interviews with practitioners. Another large site the couple hosts is, a repository of archived bbs and usenet posts about religion, magic, and mysticism.

[edit] Bibliography

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Catherine Yronwode. catherine yronwode (biography page). Retrieved on September 25, 2006.
  2. ^ Jeremy York (9 November 1991). Larry Marder interview. Gunk'L'Dunk e-zine. Retrieved on September 26, 2006.
  3. ^ Rick Beckley (May 25, 2000). Interview with Dan Brereton. (defunct, via Brereton's website). Retrieved on September 26, 2006.
  4. ^ Censorship of Comics Bibliography: 1980s. Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. Retrieved on September 26, 2006.
  5. ^ Arts & First Amendment Issues: Comic Books. First Amendment Center. Retrieved on September 26, 2006.
  6. ^ Battling Against Censorship: Killer Cards. Long Island Newsday. Retrieved on September 26, 2006.
  7. ^ Eclipse Enterprises v. Gulotta. FindLaw. Retrieved on September 26, 2006.

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