Cat House

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Kit the cat becomes Katrina in Cat House
Kit the cat becomes Katrina in Cat House


[edit] General information

[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

When Piper and Leo see a marriage counselor to work out their marital problems, Piper casts a spell that lets them literally see the key moments of their past. However, the spell goes awry and Phoebe and Paige are sent back in time to relive Piper's memories. Unbeknownst to Phoebe and Paige, a warlock is also caught up in Piper's spell, and uses the opportunity to try and kill the Charmed Ones' cat, their "Familiar", which could permanently alter their future together.

[edit] Book of Shadows

[edit] Enemies

[edit] Allies

[edit] Spells

  • To Relive Memories: Write out memories on a piece of paper. Light the paper and chant: Let the truth be told. Let our lives unfold, so we can relive memories, and stop being enemies. Drop the burning paper into a container.

[edit] Guest stars

[edit] Trivia

  • This is the only incidence since Shannen Doherty's departure at the end of season three that the character of Prue is shown. While her face is never displayed, her back is shown as she exits the manor via motorcycle. Prue is also shown as a dog.
  • We discover that Kit the cat later became human as a reward for her good deeds. She now cares for future familiars before they are assigned to a witch. The Charmed Ones joked that Kit might some day become human in the episode PreWitched.
  • Katrina's house looks exactly like the house of David Silver's on Beverly Hills 90210, which starred Shannen Doherty.
  • When the marriage counselor asks Piper and Leo to say how they first met, a flashback from the season one episode The Fourth Sister was shown, when Leo was their handyman looking for Kit the Cat. This however, isn't truly how they first met, it was in the episode Thank You for Not Morphing and prior to that in the season three episode PreWitched it was shown that Piper and Leo bumped into each other, before they officially met, while Piper was talking to Prue about her own wedding day, however they never actually meet one another.
  • In the flashback to the wedding, when the cake falls the figures land a bit away from it, but in the episode Just Harried when the cake fell, the figures landed underneath the cake.
  • This is the first true flash-back episode. The previous episode PreWitched did feature flash-backs, but they were all new footage of never before seen events in the Charmed Ones' lives.
  • The breaking of the bride-and-groom figure in this episode leads to the events occurred to Piper and Leo's relationship on the season finale Oh My Goddess (Part 2).
  • Several of the scenes shown in the flashbacks were edited beyond adding Alyssa Milano and Rose McGowan into them. The flashback to "Love Hurts", showed Piper and Leo orbing out after she healed him, but we do not see this in that episode, we only see them arrive downstairs. This means that Piper (who had Leo's powers at the time) was only able to orb them down one floor. Also, during the flashback to "Just Harried" showed T.J. saying 'Come on baby, let's go for a ride!,' which was not in the original. Also, in the scene from "The Fourth Sister", the part where Piper and Phoebe are walking and Piper says that Phoebe likes bad boys is completely new footage. Finally, the scene from "Coyote Piper" was edited with different music.
  • When they first go back in time and Paige sees Phoebe with blonde hair, she tells Phoebe that she didn't know she used to have blonde hair. However, when Paige first met Phoebe, Phoebe had blonde hair, which proves Paige did know about the change in hair color.
  • Zachary Quinto played a power-stealing warlock. He would later go onto play Sylar, a power-stealing serial killer in Heroes.
  • This episode got a 4.1/7 in ratings share
  • Also new footage is from a Just Harried episode flashback. When Leo asks Phoebe "What just happend?",and she replies "Come here honey" was never shown in the original footage.
  • Zach on his uncredited role on "Charmed" as a warlock- "I had to be attacked by cats," Quinto recalled. "In one of the setups for that they put chicken in my pockets and let these cats loose and they went scratching at my pockets."
  • After Piper Blows up much of the wall right before the theme song you can hear the same sound that is used in the show Deal or no Deal. This sound is also heard again in It's a Bad, bad, bad, bad, World

[edit] International titles

  • French: Au coeur des souvenirs
  • German: Katzenjammer

[edit] External links

Preceded by:
Lucky Charmed
Charmed episodes Followed by:
Nymphs Just Wanna Have Fun
Main: Season summaries | Episode guide | Multimedia | Terms | Trivia
Locations and Artifacts: Bay Area | Halliwell Manor | Magic School | The Nexus | Book of Shadows
Good beings: Charmed Ones | Close friends | Ancestors | Family and friends | Whitelighters | Elders
Evil beings: Darklighters | Warlocks
Neutral: Avatars | The Hollow | Firestarters