Cassini–Huygens abbreviations

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Below are acronyms, initialisms, and other abbreviations commonly used in conjunction with the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn and Titan.

  • AACS: Attitude and Articulation Control Subsystem
  • ACP: Aerosol Collector and Pyrolyzer (Huygens instrument)
  • ACS: Attitude Control Subsystem
  • AFC: AACS Flight Computer
  • ARWM: Articulated Reaction Wheel Mechanism
  • ASI: Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, the Italian space agency
  • BIU: bus interface unit
  • CAM: Command Approval Meeting
  • CAPS: Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (Cassini instrument)
  • CDA: Cosmic Dust Analyzer (Cassini instrument)
  • CDS: Command and Data Subsystem - Cassini computer that commands and collects data from the instruments
  • CICLOPS: Cassini Imaging Central Laboratory for Operations
  • CIMS: Cassini Information Management System
  • CIRS: Composite InfraRed Spectrometer (Cassini instrument)
  • DCSS: Descent Control Subsystem
  • DISR: Descent Imager and Spectral Radiometer (Huygens instrument)
  • DSCC: Deep Space Communications Center
  • DSN: Deep Space Network (large antennas around the earth)
  • DTSTART: Dead Time Start
  • DWE: Doppler Wind Experiment (Huygens instrument)
  • ELS: Electron Spectrometer (part of CAPS instrument)
  • ERT: Earth-received time, UTC of an event
  • ESA: European Space Agency
  • ESOC: European Space Operations Centre
  • FSW: flight software
  • GCMS: Gas Chromatograph & Mass Spectrometer (Huygens instrument)
  • HASI: Huygens Atmosphere Structure Instrument (Huygens instrument)
  • HGA: High Gain Antenna
  • HMCS: Huygens Monitoring and Control System
  • HPOC: Huygens Probe Operations Center
  • IBS: Ion Beam Spectrometer (part of CAPS instrument)
  • IEB: Instrument Expanded Blocks (instrument command sequences)
  • IMS: Ion Mass Spectrometer (part of CAPS instrument)
  • INMS: Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (Cassini instrument)
  • ISS: Imaging Science Subsystem (Cassini instrument)
  • ITL: Integrated Test Laboratory - spacecraft simulator
  • IVP: Inertial Vector Propagator
  • JPL: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • LGA: Low Gain Antenna
  • MAG: Dual Technique Magnetometer (Cassini instrument)
  • MIMI: Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument (Cassini instrument)
  • NAC: Narrow Angle Camera
  • NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (U.S.)
  • OTM: Orbit Trim Maneuver
  • PDRS: Probe Data Relay Subsystem
  • PHSS: Probe Harness SubSystem
  • POSW: Probe On-Board Software
  • PPS: Power and Pyrotechnic Subsystem
  • PRA: Probe Relay Antenna
  • PSA: Probe Support Avionics
  • PSIV: Preliminary Sequence Integration and Validation
  • PSE: probe support equipment
  • RADAR: Radio Detection and Ranging Instrument (Cassini instrument)
  • RCS: Reaction Control System
  • RFS: Radio Frequency Subsystem
  • RPWS: Radio and Plasma Wave Science (Cassini instrument)
  • RPX: ring plane crossing
  • RSS: Radio Science Subsystem (Cassini instrument)
  • RTG: radioisotope thermoelectric generator
  • RWA: Reaction Wheel Assembly
  • SCET: Spacecraft Event Time
  • SCR: sequence change requests
  • SKR: Saturn Kilometric Radiation
  • SOI: Saturn Orbit Insertion (1 July 2004)
  • SOP: Science Operations Plan
  • SSP: Surface Science Package (Huygens instrument)
  • SSR: Solid State Recorder
  • SSUP: Science and Sequence Update Process
  • TLA: Thermal Louver Assemblies
  • USO: UltraStable Oscillator
  • UTC: Coordinated Universal Time (essentially GMT)
  • UVIS: Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (Cassini instrument)
  • VIMS: Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (Cassini instrument)
  • VRHU: Variable Radioisotope Heater Units
  • WAC: Wide Angle Camera