Caspar David Friedrich

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Self-portrait in chalk, 1810
Self-portrait in chalk, 1810
C.D.Friedrich in his studio by fellow artist Georg Friedrich Kersting, 1812
C.D.Friedrich in his studio by fellow artist Georg Friedrich Kersting, 1812

Caspar David Friedrich (September 5, 1774May 7, 1840) was a 19th century German romantic painter, considered by many critics to be one of the finest representatives of the movement.


[edit] Life

Caspar David Friedrich was born in Greifswald.

Studied at the Academy in Copenhagen (1794-98), and subsequently settled in Dresden, often traveling to other parts of Germany. Friedrich's landscapes are based entirely on those of northern Germany and are beautiful renderings of trees, hills, harbors, morning mists, and other light effects based on a close observation of nature.

Some of Friedrich's best-known paintings are expressions of a religious mysticism. In 1808 he exhibited one of his most controversial paintings, The Cross in the Mountains (Gemaldegalerie, Dresden), in which - for the first time in Christian art - an altarpiece was conceived in terms of a pure landscape. The cross, viewed obliquely from behind, is an insignificant element in the composition. More important are the dominant rays of the evening sun, which the artist said depicted the setting of the old, pre-Christian world. The mountain symbolizes an immovable faith, while the fir trees are an allegory of hope. Friedrich painted several other important compositions in which crosses dominate a landscape.

Even some of Friedrich's apparently nonsymbolic paintings contain inner meanings, clues to which are provided either by the artist's writings or those of his literary friends. For example, a landscape showing a ruined abbey in the snow, Abbey under Oak Trees (1810; Schloss Charlottenburg, Berlin), can be appreciated on one level as a bleak, winter scene, but the painter also intended the composition to represent both the church shaken by the Reformation and the transitoriness of earthly things.

Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog, 1817.
Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog, 1817.
Man and Woman Contemplating the Moon, c. 1830-1835.
Man and Woman Contemplating the Moon, c. 1830-1835.
Chalk cliffs on Rügen, 1818.
Chalk cliffs on Rügen, 1818.
The sea of ice, 1824 (mistakenly known as "The wreck of the Hope" which was destroyed in 20th century).
The sea of ice, 1824 (mistakenly known as "The wreck of the Hope" which was destroyed in 20th century).

[edit] Works

After the development of sepia drawings and watercolors (mainly naturalistic and topographical), Friedrich took up oil painting after the age of thirty. His paintings were modeled on his sketches and studies of scenic spots, like the cliffs on Rügen, the surroundings of Dresden or Elbe and later composed in symbolic, often symmetrically balanced, compositions. His first mature style painting is the "Tetschen Altar" (1807) in which the crucified Christ is seen in profile in the top of a mountain, alone, surrounded by nature. In his time this work was not unanimously accepted for the principal role of landscape in a religious subject, however, this was his first appraised painting.

His famous morbidly romantic painting "The Wanderer Above The Sea of Fog" impressed Karl Friedrich Schinkel (later Prussia's most famous classicist architect) so much that he gave up painting and took up architecture, much to the benefit of German and world architecture.

Friedrich's masterpieces were almost forgotten by the general public in the second half of 19th century and only at the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century he was rediscovered by Symbolist painters for his visionary and allegorical landscapes. For that same reason Max Ernst and other surrealists saw him as a precursor of their movement.

As well as other romantic painters like J. M. W. Turner or John Constable he made landscape painting a major genre in western art. Friedrich's style influenced the painting of the Norwegian Johann Christian Dahl but the successors of his painting style did not achieve his mastery and depth. Arnold Böcklin was strongly influenced by his work and perhaps also the painters of the American Hudson River School, the Rocky Mountain School, and the New England Luminists.

Friedrich also sketched monuments (a memorial) and sculptures for mausoleums, which reflects his obsession with death and afterlife, and some funereal art in Dresden's cemeteries are his. Some of his masterpieces were destroyed due to a fire in Munich's Glass Palace (1931) and in Bombing of Dresden in World War II.

[edit] Quotes

"The painter should paint not only what he has in front of him, but also what he sees inside himself. If he sees nothing within, then he should stop painting what is in front of him." Caspar David Friedrich.

"A mountain of ice and the debris of a ship that has been crushed by it. It is a great tragedy, not a single survivor." David d'Angers, 19th century French sculptor about The Sea of Ice.

[edit] Selected works

The Polar Sea

[edit] External links

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