Casa de Isla Negra

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Casa de Isla Negra
Casa de Isla Negra

Casa de Isla Negra was one of Pablo Neruda's three houses in Chile. It was his favorite house and where he and his third wife, Matilde Urrutia spent the majority of their time in Chile. Neruda, a lover of the sea and all things maritime, built the home to resemble a ship with low ceilings, creaking wood floors, and narrow passageways. A passionate collector, every room has a different collection of bottles, ship figureheads, maps, ships in bottles, and an impressive array of shells, which are located in their own "Under the Sea" room.

He and his wife Matilde Urrutia are buried here, with an obstructed view of their beach. In English, Isla Negra means "Black Island." It is a reference to a rock outcropping nearby.

It rains a lot during winter in this area, which inspired Neruda to write his Oda a la Tormenta (Ode to the Storm).

The house is now a museum, managed by the Fundacion Pablo Neruda, and has become a popular tourist spot.

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