Talk:Carrot and stick

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[edit] Personal Dismay

[edit] What common sense dictates...

This seems to be a contentious area, and expressing dismay with one camp seems a little rash when one is not fully aware of what is at stake.

There are two expressions or metaphors, both availing of a particular meaning of carrot, which meaning it gained because of the expressions. There is the "carrot on a stick", and there is the "carrot and stick". While 'carrot' refers to the same concept in each expression (namely reward), the expressions themselves differ in meaning. The "carrot on a stick" is exactly what the author of the vague polemic in the discussion page thinks he means by "carrot and stick", and the "carrot and stick" is exactly what he thinks is the bastardised meaning.

Anyone looking for a pithy distinction: Carrot on a stick is the ever-unattainable incentive. Carrot and stick is the contrast between reward and punishment.--Rubie 15:26, 10 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] The point being...

My point in writing the above is that it is misleading to say that the meaning of the expression changed. There are two distinct expressions, and neither has changed its meaning or use. A seperate point may be that people are using the two incorrectly, or are unaware of the distinction, as the original author of the entry.--Rubie 15:29, 10 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Fox News appears to have stopped using it

I sent a letter to Chris Wallace Sunday pointing out the incorrect usage of the metaphor (as I see it) and on Tuesday the various reporters and Brit Hume on "Special Report" were using the phrase "package of incentives and punishments/disincentives" almost exclusively, except Brit used "carrots and sticks" once during the broadcast. On Wednesday's show Brit and all other contributors only used the incentives/disincentives phrase. Not very colorful but I sure like it better.--JuiceBoxYes 03:09, 13 July, 2006 (UTC)

I wonder if they actually got your letter or if it's just a coincidence LOL. --hello, i'm a member | talk to me! 22:45, 30 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] 2007-02-1 Automated pywikipediabot message

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[edit] sticks

I always thought that Carrot and stick simply meant that you punish bad people and reward good people. You don't do both at the same time, as the first paragraph poorly explains. Whats the point in that?Tourskin 02:35, 26 February 2007 (UTC)