Image talk:Carburetor.png

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With this and the fuel injector diagram, I really think that the label 'gas' should be changed to gasoline, fuel, or petrol; especially since the articles are dealing with parts of the system where the fuel eventually becomes vaporized.

[edit] Carburetor: "gas" is an americanism

1. According to dictionaries including Oxford, "gas" is an americanism for "gasoline" first noted in 1905. Since WikipedianProlific declares his dislike for American English, and so presumably shares my preference for British English, and because "gas" can be misunderstood in the Basic Carburetor context, I am surprised he put the legend "gas" - why not Fuel or Petrol? 2. This may be "gilding the lily" but I feel the float arm/valve would be better drawn slightly tilted about its hinge, actually blocking the inflow. That helps show that it is a single rigid assembly. 3. This will be my last "improvement" for now: draw the throttle valve also tilted i.e. part open. This helps show that it has a center of rotation and also cures the present diagram of the impossibility of any air flowing at all. 16:07, 23 January 2007 (UTC) (cuddlyable3) (updated 5 February 2007)

At present I do not plan to ammend the diagram as it is just a basic overview, more detailed technically accurate blue print diagrams may emerge later for the article, the diagram is more aimed at giving a lay-person a general idea of the layout of the carb. With regards to the spelling of gas, although I agree with you, sadly wikipedia has a policy of not changing correctly spelt american/british english around. The policy was introduced to stop for example me changing it to petrol, then a US member reverting to gas and a revert war occuring over a pathetic spelling difference. However, if I do revise the diagram I will change gas to fuel or gasoline while I'm at it. Thanks for your comments. WikipedianProlific(Talk) 16:21, 23 January 2007 (UTC)
WikipedianProlific defends vagueness as though it is a reason to do nothing about faults that are brought to his attention. 1. "Gas" has been remarked on as an unfortunately ambiguous label by more than myself. I happen to be an american and the issue is not exclusively with US/UK slang difference, neither does Wikipedia have any policy to "stop for example you" writing Fuel which is the term used in the article. 2. You don't seem to care to respond to this suggestion, okay. 3. You don't seem to care to respond to this suggestion either. That is IMO disapointingly negligent because what is drawn at present cannot work at all due to the throttle completely blocking the venturi. 19:01, 5 February 2007 (UTC) cuddlyable3
The image has now been ammended[sic]. I appreciate that you wanted a speedy change to several parts of this image and if it were my only one then that would have been the case. However, I have many diagrams to maintain and improve, not to mention new ones to draw. Maintaining an orderly sequence of work is essential to ensure I do not overlook diagrams in need of attention. I am presently trying to review all my diagrams every 6 months or so. I wouldn't say I'm defending vaugeness[sic], it was a diagram aimed at the lay person and was originally part of the articles[sic] introduction. It even states in nice big writting[sic] that it is just a basic overview and not a detailed blue print or working diagram. The issues with it weren't faults but rather niggling details that could have been changed to better explain the mechanics of the device, but that didn't detract greatly from its accuracy. I hope you are satisfied with the new version. Thanks. WikipedianProlific(Talk) 00:52, 19 March 2007 (UTC)
I am of course satisfied by your acceptance WikipedianProlific of some points viz: labels for Fuel and Venturi, and opened throttle. Thank you for those. I am less impressed by your attitude that a new diagram was necessary because it started as "your" diagram and I can't see that anyone has called for yet another replacement. On style we differ because IMO there are too many labels naming "Float xxx", and the Venturi is a cross-sectional area better labelled broadly in the same font colour as "AIR" than by an arrow point. On your talk page I have commented on your regrettable attitude that you are using Wikipedia as an art gallery to exhibit your uplifting work to "lay persons who can't understand art"; but regardless of what seems to be your need to throw a walking-out tantrum over technical disagreements, please look for the encouraging words that people have given you. I believe Wikipedia gave you warning that submitted work gets subjected to everyone's critical view and possible editing. A guideline is that diagrams should be as non-language-specific as possible, so this is not the place to establish a personal style of titles in "nice big writting[sic]" - unless you are Henri Toulouse Lautrec doing a poster (we like him but he had problems).Cuddlyable3 15:11, 19 March 2007 (UTC)