Carte Jaune

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The Yellow Card, or Carte Jaune, is an international certificate of vaccination. As it is issued by the World Health Organisation, it is recognised internationally and may be required for entry to certain countries where there are increased health risks for travellers. The Yellow Card should be kept in the holder's passport, as it is a medical passport of sorts.


[edit] Availability of vaccinations

Front of card
Front of card

A typical doctor's office will not keep travel vaccinations in stock, so it is best to talk to your primary care physician about where to receive travel medications. For travel to developing countries, many vaccinations may be required, and it is best to refer to either the World Health Organisation (WHO) [1], Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [2] or other national or international health websites for current requirements.

[edit] Vaccines

[edit] Mandatory

Currently, the only universally required vaccination is yellow fever. In countries where it is not required for entry, it may be a good idea to get the vaccination if travelling to endemic zones. After the primary immunisation, boosters are required in ten-year intervals. One must receive this vaccination at least ten days prior to travel.

Yellow fever certificate
Yellow fever certificate

For some countries, the cholera vaccine may be required despite the fact that the World Health Organisation does not state this in their regulations. To avoid being quarantined or denied entry, check the entry requirements for the country by contacting the embassy or consulate, especially if there is a current cholera outbreak. Because it is not a universally required vaccination, one may need a separate cholera certificate or a physician's signed statement saying that the vaccine is contraindicated for certain health conditions.

On the Yellow Card, the International Certificate of Vaccination or Revaccination Against Yellow Fever (Certicat International de Vaccination ou de Revaccination Contre la Fièvre Jaune) is located on the first two pages inside of the card. The certificate requires the date of vaccination, the signature and professional status of the vaccinator (signature et titre du vaccinateur), the manufacturer and batch number of the vaccine (fabricant du vaccin et numéro du lot), and the official stamp of the vaccinating centre (cachet officiel du centre vaccination). In order for the certificate to be valid, the vaccination centre must be approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

[edit] Routine

Citizens of developed countries have most likely received their initial doses of the following:

Immunisations received
Immunisations received

Travellers will most likely need to receive boosters of these, as many people in North America do not regularly update their shots and may be susceptible to these diseases, particularly measles, polio and pertussis [3].

For these additional vaccinations, there is another page in the Yellow Card that is located on the inside of the book under the traveller's information. Required information for these vaccinations includes the date of vaccination, the vaccine/prophylactic drug (vaccin/médicament prophylactique), the dosage, and the physician's signature (signature du médecin). Immediately below this table is a form for medical contraindications to vaccinations (contre-indictation médicale à la vaccination). This form must include the reason why the person is medically contraindicated for a particular vaccine.

[edit] Others

Although the following are not required for entry to any country, they may be recommended dependant on destination, purpose of travel, duration of travel, or level of anticipated contact with locals.

In addition to these, it is recommended that travellers receive medication for traveller's diarrhoea because of the risk of water-borne pathogens. For those travelling to endemic areas, malaria chemoprophylaxis are recommended; both of these can be prescribed by a physician or nurse practitioner.

[edit] Other information

[edit] Personal health history

The centre of the card has a very important section about the health of the traveller.

Personal health history
Personal health history

Although not mandatory to fill out, in case of emergency, it may be helpful for the physician who will treat the traveller. The information in this includes:

  • Name and sex of the traveller
  • Date of birth
  • Name, address and phone number of a person to notify in case of emergency (nom, adresse et numéro de télephone de la personne à avertir en cas d'urgence)
  • Blood group and Rh type (groupe sanguine et type Rh)
  • Name and address of physician (nom et addresse du médecin)
  • State of health, medical treatments or known sensitivities (état de santé, traitments médicaux ou sensibilités connues)

For people who have allergic reactions to things like eggs and latex, it is very important to fill out the last section.

[edit] Medications taken regularly

For those who take regular medications such as insulin and digoxin (digitalis), the section of medications taken regularly (médicaments pris régulièrement) may be required to bring said medications into foreign countries. There are five required sections of this table:

  • health problem (problème de santé)
  • generic and trade names of medication (noms génériques et commerciaux du médicament)
  • medication dosage (dosage du médicament)
  • physician's remarks (remarques du médecin)
  • physician's signature (signature du médecin)

[edit] Ophthalmic information

People who wear glasses should have their ophthalmologist fill out the section for prescription glasses in case damage occurs to them. Just as on normal eye prescriptions, there should be information about each eye (ocular dexter/oculaire droit, ocular sinister/oculaire gauche) along with information about the sphere (sphère), cylinder (cylindre), axis (axe), prism (prisme) and base. Any comments and additions to this prescription should be noted, as should information regarding astigmatism (standard axis notation/selon schéma)