Carr Mill Mall

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Carr Mill Mall is a small local mall located in Carrboro, North Carolina. It is listed under the National Register of Historic Places. Built in 1898 by Tom Lloyd, it was formerly a cotton mill known as Alberta and the town's original name West End. By 1913 it had become one of the world's largest hardwood cross-tie markets shipping them on train tracks still visible by the mall today. In 1909 the Julian Carr family bought the mill and by 1930 it closed. In 1945 the miil re-opened and remained open until the 1960's. In 1975 the Carrboro board of Alderman decided to have the building torn down to build a mall. Butt the community was outraged and in 1977 the mill reopended again but this time as Carr Mill Mall. Today it has expanded to include many shops. The lawn in front has become known as Carrboro's front lawn and the mall continues to thrive. You can still see the many houses along the road where the mill workers used to live.

Alberta Cotton Mill is the former mill name of Carr Mill Mall. The mill originally processed cotton. In 1913 it was renamed Venable after the University of North Carolina's first president.