Carpenter Street

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"Carpenter Street" is the title of a Star Trek: Enterprise television episode from season three.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Crewman Daniels informs Archer that three Xindi (Reptilian) have traveled back in time to Detroit, Michigan, Earth to the year 2004, where they intend to hide out and produce a bioweapon to destroy Earth (the Xindi Council had banned the use of bioweapons, forcing the reptilians to take extraordinary measures). Daniels later sends Archer and T'Pol back in time to investigate. He also gives Archer temporal tags to bring back anything that doesn't belong in the 21st century.

Archer and T'Pol realize they need cash in the 21st century, so they find a 22nd-century way
Archer and T'Pol realize they need cash in the 21st century, so they find a 22nd-century way

Soon after arriving Archer informs T'Pol that they need currency, using 22 century technology Archer withdraws some money from a nearby ATM, and later finds a car. Archer succeeds in "piloting" a car after a few failed attempts.

Using a hand scanner T'Pol locates the Xindi bio signs leading them to an abandoned factory on Carpenter Street. They notice Loomis, a blood bank employee, exiting the building. Suspecting something, they follow Loomis to his apartment. Thinking them as police officers, Loomis admits delivering six out of eight bodies to his employers, one for each blood type, for which the Xindi pay him a lot of money. Loomis reveals the details of the plan in hopes of striking a deal - perhaps amnesty - from the "officers".

Archer comes up with a plan and poses as one of the newly delivered bodies. After escorted and "sold" by Loomis, Archer realizes that the Xindi are developing some sort of a bio weapon. Archer begins destroying the technology of the Xindi and in process kills one of the three Reptilians. Two others try to escape with a canister of deadly bio-agent. Archer manages to kill another Xindi.

The last Xindi escapes due to the interference of Loomis. T'Pol uses the famous Vulcan nerve pinch and subdues Loomis. After a short chase, Archer corners the last Xindi who is holding the bio-agent canister. The Xindi threatens to release the bioweapon but is subdued. Archer and T'Pol then collect all non-21st-century artifacts by using their temporal tags, and quickly return to the Enterprise. Loomis, on the other hand, wakes up surrounded by police officers and attempts to explain that he was manipulated by "lizard people" and their "ray guns".

[edit] Trivia

  • This is the third episode in a row that has a deliberately confusing or misleading opening. "North Star" appears to begin in a Wild West town, although this is soon revealed to be on a colony planet; "Similitude" appears to begin with the funeral of Trip Tucker, although it is later revealed that the real Trip is alive and well; thus when "Carpenter Street" opens in 21st-century Detroit the audience cannot be certain whether the events are actually happening in the 21st century or whether this is another fictional deception.

Preceded by:
" Similitude "
Star Trek: Enterprise episodes Followed by:
" Chosen Realm"

[edit] External links

[edit] References