Carpathians (race)

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[edit] Carpathians

Carpathians are a race of people in the fictional universe of the Dark Series, a group of books by Christine Feehan. Carpathians survive by drinking the blood of humans, but unlike vampires, they do not kill their human prey. Carpathians use their mental abilities to “call” humans to them in order to feed, and then use those same abilities to erase the humans’ memory of the incident. All vampires were once Carpathians. A Carpathian male "turns" into a vampire when he kills while feeding.

[edit] Appearance

Carpathians are extremely attractive and alluring, and most are dark-haired and dark-eyed.

[edit] Abilities


Carpathians live many times longer than humans. The maximum lifespan is unknown, but several have lived to the age of 2000 years. Lucian and Gabriel are perhaps the oldest living Carpathians. Lucian (Dark Guardian) speaks of meeting a man he calls “Son of God” after he had already lost his emotions, who told him that his brother would find his lifemate. If we assume that this man is Jesus of Nazareth and given the fact that male Carpathians lose they emotions after the age of 200, Lucian (and Gabriel) must be at least 2,200 years old.


All Carpathians have the gift of telepathy, the ability to speak “mind to mind” to one another. This telepathic ability can cover vast distances, even across oceans. Once two Carpathians have exchanged blood, they can communicate to one another without anyone else hearing them.

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