Carmel City

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Carmel City
Hebrew עיר כרמל
(Standard) Ir Karmel
Founded in 2003
Government City
District Haifa
Population 23,600 (2004)
Jurisdiction  dunams
Mayor Dr. Akram Hasson

Carmel City (Hebrew: עיר כרמלIr Karmel) is a city in the Haifa District of Israel, located around Mount Carmel. Upon its founding, it was known as Daliyat al-Karmel-Isfiya. Carmel City's first and as of 2006 only mayor is Dr. Akram Hasson.

It was founded in 2003 as a result of the merger of the Druze towns Daliyat al-Karmel and Isfiya.

According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Carmel City's population at the end of 2004 was 23,600.

Flag of Israel
Haifa District
Cities Baqa-Jat | Carmel City | Hadera | Haifa | Kiryat Atta | Kiryat Bialik | Kiryat Motzkin | Kiryat Yam | Nesher | Or Akiva | Tirat Karmel | Umm al-Fahm
Local councils Ar'ara | Binyamina-Giv'at Ada | Jisr az-Zarqa | Kfar Qara | Ma'ale Iron | Pardes Hanna-Karkur | Fureidis | Kiryat Tiv'on | Rekhasim | Zikhron Ya'aqov
Regional councils Alona | Hof Karmel | Menashe | Zevulun

Israeli municipality merger of 2003
New municipalities: Baqa-Jat | Binyamina-Giv'at Ada | Carmel City | Kokhav Ya'ir | Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut | Shagor | Tzoran-Kadima | Yehud-Monosson
Old municipalities: Baqa al-Gharbiyye | Bi'ina | Binyamina | Daliyat al-Karmel | Deir al-Asad | Giv'at Ada | Isfiya | Jat | Kadima | Maccabim-Re'ut | Majd al-Krum | Modi'in | Neve Monosson | Tzoran | Tzur Yigal | Yehud
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