Carlos Nemer

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Prof. Carlos Nemer works as special advisor

Image:Rain Forest Fire.jpg
Rainforest Fire, a painting by Carlos Nemer.

([1]) for Prof.Walter Suemitsu ([2]) UFRJ technology center ([3]) dean.

One of the projects he is responsible for at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro([4]) is the use of a wiki site for its 45,000 students. This project is considered a top priority and represents a new opportunity for developing a partnership with Wikipedia.

Carlos Nemer (1965, Espírito Santo, Brasil) is a university professor at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro-UFRJ)([5]) in Industrial Engineering Department (DEI) and at Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)([6]).

Professor Nemer holds three undergraduate degrees: Civil Engineering major in Environmental Science (Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro-PUC-RJ), Architecture and Urban Design (Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo-Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro-FAU-UFRJ) ([7]) and Law/Environmental law (Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro-PUC-RJ)([8]).

He also has two graduate degrees: Master of Science in Systems engineering from Instituto Militar de Engenharia-IME ([9])(dissertation topic: a linear programming model related to fleet planing process including a field application for the brazilian truck transportation industry) and a MBA in Corporate Finance at Fundação Getúlio Vargas-FGV-RJ([10]).

[edit] Fields of expertise

[edit] Artistic Work

Prof.Nemer is also known for his abstract painting style. A selection of his best works can be seen here.

[edit] External links