Carlos Hevia

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Carlos Hevia (1900 1964) was a Cuban politician.

On January 15, 1934 Hevia was chosen by its unofficial leader Fulgencio Batista to be the provisional president of Cuba. He resigned three days later under pressure from the military and other groups.

Hevia later broke with Batista and became an important politician in the Autentico party. He served as foreign minister of Cuba from 1948 to 1950, in the administration of Carlos Prio. Hevia was chosen to be the Autentico presidential candidate for the 1952 elections. However, the elections, in which Hevia's main opponents were Roberto Agramonte and Fulgencio Batista, were canceled when Batista took power in a military coup.

Hevia went into exile in the United States and during the early 1960s was part of groups opposed to Fidel Castro who overthrew Batista in 1959.

In addition to his political career, Hevia was also a surgeon.

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