Carlo Lottieri

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Carlo Lottieri (born November 6, 1960) is an Italian libertarian philosopher.

Carlo Lottieri
Carlo Lottieri
Part of the Politics series on

Schools of thought
Green libertarianism

Austrian School
Chicago School
Classical liberalism
Individualist anarchism

Civil liberties
Free markets
Free trade
Private property

Key issues
Economic views
Theories of law
Views of rights
Criticism of libertarianism

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He studied Philosophy in Genoa and Sociology in Geneva (Institut Universitaire d’Etudes Européennes) and Paris, where he obtained a D.E.A. and a Ph.D. at the University of Paris IV (Sorbonne). His thesis was written under the direction of Raymond Boudon and his topic was Idéologie et science dans la sociologie politique de Gaetano Mosca. In 1989 he received a Claude Lambe Fellowship from the Institute for Humane Studies, (Fairfax, VA), in 1990 a fellowship from the European Council and in 1991 another one from the Murst (Italian department of the universitarian education).

After some years of collaboration with the chair of Political Sociology (prof. Vaclav Belohradsky, University of Trieste), in 1999 he became Assistant Researcher in Political Philosophy in the University of Siena. He taught Sociology and Economics at the ISC (Istituto Superiore di Comunicazione) of Milan in the period 1997-1999.

From 1999 he is in the Faculty of the Summer Seminars organized in Gummersbach (Germany) and in Yundola (Bulgaria) by IES, Institute for Economic Studies.

In 2003 he became Assistant Professor Philosophy of Law at the University of Siena.

He has been Editorial Director of the journal «Federalismo & Libertà» (Milan) and with Luigi Marco Bassani and Mauro Maldonato he edited a books collection about the history of political ideas («Sfere della libertà», Guida publisher). Now he is one of the editors of a books collection about political philosophy and free-market economy («Diritto, Mercato, Libertà», Rubbettino publisher). He published papers in many journals: Telos, Journal of Libertarian Studies, L'Année sociologique and others.

He is director of the Political Theory department of the Istituto Bruno Leoni.

His main studies concern libertarian political philosophy (Murray Rothbard, Robert Nozick and Hans-Hermann Hoppe), elitism (Vilfredo Pareto and Gaetano Mosca), evolutionary theory of law (Bruno Leoni and Friedrich von Hayek), communitarianism and the contemporary leanings of federal thought.


[edit] Works

[edit] Books

  • Denaro e comunità. Relazioni di mercato e ordinamenti giuridici nella società liberale, Naples, Guida, 2000
  • Il pensiero libertario contemporaneo. Tesi e controversie sulla filosofia, sul diritto e sul mercato, Macerata, Liberilibri, 2001
  • (written with Enrico Diciotti) Rothbard e l’ordine giuridico libertario. Una discussione, Siena, DiGips - Università degli Studi di Siena, 2002
  • Dove va il pensiero libertario?, edited by Riccardo Paradisi, Rome, Settimo Sigillo, 2004
  • Le ragioni del diritto. Libertà individuale e ordine giuridico nel pensiero di Bruno Leoni, Treviglio - Soveria Mannelli, Facco - Rubbettino, 2006
  • (written with Emanuele Castrucci) Lezioni di Filosofia del diritto, Rome, Aracne, 2006.

[edit] Some articles

[edit] External links

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