Carl Sassenrath

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Carl Sassenrath

Born 1957
California, USA
Residence Ukiah, California, USA
Field Operating systems, computer languages
Institution Commodore Amiga
Apple Computer
Hewlett Packard
Alma mater University of California, Davis
Known for Design of Amiga OS, CDTV,
REBOL computer language

Carl Sassenrath (born 1957 in California) is an architect of operating systems and computer languages. He brought multitasking to personal computers in 1985 with the creation of the Amiga Computer operating system kernel, and he is currently the designer of the REBOL computer language as well as the CTO of REBOL Technologies.


[edit] Background

Carl Sassenrath was born in 1957 to Charles and Carolyn Sassenrath in California. His father was a chemical engineer involved in research and development related to petroleum refining, paper production, and air pollution control systems.

In the late 1960s his family relocated from the SF bay area to the small town of Eureka, California. From his early childhood Sassenrath was actively involved in electronics, ham radio, photography, and filmmaking. When he was 13, Sassenrath began working for KEET a PBS public broadcasting television station. A year later he became a cameraman for KVIQ (American Broadcasting Company affiliate then) and worked his way up to being technical director and director for news, commercials, and local programming.

In 1980 Sassenrath graduated from the University of California, Davis with a B.S. in EECS (electrical engineering and computer science). During his studies he became interested in operating systems, parallel processing, programming languages, and neurophysiology. He was a teaching assistant for graduate computer language courses and a research assistant in neuroscience and behavioral biology. His uncle, Dr. Julius Sassenrath, headed the educational psychology department at UC Davis, and his aunt, Dr. Ethel Sassenrath, was one of the original researcher's of THC at the California National Primate Research Center.

[edit] Computer Background

[edit] Hewlett Packard

During his final year at the university, Sassenrath joined Hewlett Packard's Computer Systems Division as a member of the Multi-Programming Executive (MPE) file system design group for HP3000 computers. His task was to implement a compiler for a new type of control language called Outqueue-- a challenge because the language was both descriptive and procedural. A year later, Sassenrath became a member of the MPE-IV OS kernel team and later part of the HPE kernel group.

Carl Sassenrath at south pole, 1982
Carl Sassenrath at south pole, 1982

While at HP Sassenrath became interested in minimizing the high complexity found in most operating systems of that time and set out to formulate his own concepts of a microkernel-based OS. He proposed them to HP, but found the large company complacent to the "smaller OS" ideas.

In late 1981 and early 1982 Sassenrath took an academic leave to do atmospheric physics research for National Science Foundation at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. Upon returning, Sassenrath reached an agreement with HP to pursue independent research into new areas of computing, including graphical user interfaces and remote procedure call methods of distributed computing.

Later in 1982, impressed by the new computing ideas being published from Xerox PARC and the MIT Media Lab, Sassenrath formed an HP project to develop the modern style of window-based mouse-driven GUIs. The project, called Probus (for professional business workstation) was created on a prototype Sun Microsystems workstation borrowed from Andy Bechtolsheim while he was at Stanford University. Probus clearly demonstrated the power of graphical user interfaces, and the system also incorporated hyperlinks and early distributed computing concepts.

At HP, Sassenrath was involved and influenced by a range of HP language projects including Ada, Pascal, Smalltalk, Lisp, Forth, SPL, and a variety of experimental languages.

[edit] Amiga Computer

Amiga Team, 1985 (Sassenrath in plaid shirt to right of sign)
Amiga Team, 1985 (Sassenrath in plaid shirt to right of sign)

In 1983, Carl Sassenrath joined Amiga Computer, Inc., a small startup company in Silicon Valley. As Manager of Operating Systems he was asked to design a new operating system for the Amiga, an advanced multimedia personal computer system that later became the Commodore Amiga.

As a sophisticated computer for its day (Amiga used 25 DMA channels and a coprocessor), Sassenrath decided to create a preemptive multitasking operating system within a microkernel design. This was a novel approach for 1983 when other personal computer operating systems such as MSDOS (1981) were single tasking or non-preemptive such as the Macintosh (1984).

The Amiga multitasking kernel was also one of the first to implement a microkernel OS methodology based on a real-time message passing (inter-process communication) core known as Exec (for executive) with dynamically loaded libraries and devices as optional modules around the core.

This design gave the Amiga OS a great extensibility and flexibility within the limited memory capacity of computers in the 1980s. Sassenrath later noted that the design came as a necessity of trying to integrate into ROM dozens of internal libraries and devices including graphics, sound, graphical user interface, floppy disc, file systems, and others. This dynamic modular method also allowed hundreds of additional modules to be added by external developers over the years.

After the release of the Amiga in 1985, Sassenrath left Commodore-Amiga to pursue new programming language design ideas that he had been contemplating since his university days.

[edit] Apple Computer

Apple ATG
Apple ATG

In 1986, Carl Sassenrath was recruited to Apple Computer's highly respected Advanced Technology Group (ATG) to invent the next generation of operating systems. He was part of the Aquarius project, a quad-core CPU project (simulated on Apple's own Cray XMP-48) that was indended to become a 3D-based successor to the Macintosh.

During that period the C++ language had just been introduced, but Sassenrath, along with many other Apple researchers, preferred the more pure OOL implementation of the Smalltalk language. Working at ATG with computing legends like Alan Kay, Larry Tessler, Dan Ingalls, Bill Atkinson and many others, provided Sassenrath a wealth of resources and knowledge helped shape his current views of computing languages and systems.

[edit] Sassenrath Research

In 1988, Sassenrath left Silcon Valley for the mountains of Ukiah valley, 2 hours north of San Francisco. From there he founded multimedia technology companies such as Pantaray, American Multimedia, and VideoStream. He also implemented the Logo programming language for the Commodore Amiga, managed the software OS development for CDTV one of the first CD-ROM TV set-top box (essentially the predecessor of DVD), and wrote the OS for Viscorp Ed, one of the first Internet TV set-top boxes.

[edit] REBOL Technologies

In 1996, after watching the growth and development of programming languages like Java, Perl, and Python, Sassenrath decided to publish his own ideas within the world of computer languages. The result was REBOL, the relative expression-based object language.

Sassenrath explains REBOL as a proper balance between the concepts of context and symbolism, allowing users to create new relationships between symbols and their meanings. By doing so, he claims concepts such as those of code, data, and metadata merge seamlessly together. Sassenrath calls REBOL his grand experiment, because unlike most programming languages, REBOL provides greater control over context, and words can be used to form different grammars in different contexts (called dialecting). Sassenrath claims REBOL is the ultimate endpoint for the evolution of markup language methodologies, such as XML.

The other main idea behind REBOL is to keep computing lightweight, and more specifically to offer a more efficient method of distributed computing. Sassenrath concludes that modern computing is much more complex than it needs to be, and that's bad for users and developers alike.

Sassenrath admits that REBOL is not for everyone. The language is advanced and different in many ways. He has suggested that some users might be better off "forgetting most of what they already know" and starting fresh to obtain a new outlook on computing.

In 1998, Sassenrath founded REBOL Technologies, a company he still runs. Since then, he has written several new versions of REBOL and produced additional products such as REBOL/View, REBOL/Command, REBOL/SDK, and REBOL/IOS. He has also written thousands of pages about REBOL, hundreds of script examples, and a dozen or more useful REBOL applications.

Sassenrath is currently in the process of implementing the next generation of REBOL, V3.0 (due out in 2007).

[edit] Personal

Sassenrath lives on SassenRanch in Ukiah, California. He enjoys growing grapes and making his own Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot wine. He volunteers his time to a community organization that brings free, over-the-air television broadcasts into the Ukiah area (the Television Improvement Association).

Sassenrath continues to be interested in ham radio, video production, quantum electrodynamics, and boating, but finds his time limited these days.

[edit] Other References

  • Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Exec; Carl Sassenrath; Commodore; 1986
  • Guru's Guide to the Commodore Amiga; Carl Sassenrath; 1989
  • The Object Oriented Amiga Exec; Tim Holloway; Byte Magazine; 1991
  • REBOL Bots; Web Techniques; 9/1999
  • Inside the REBOL Scripting Language; Dr. Dobb's Journal; 6/2000
  • REBOL for Dummies; Ralph Roberts; Hungry Minds; 2000
  • REBOL Programming; Olivier Auverlot; Éditions Eyrolles; 2001
  • Computing Encyclopedia, Vol 5: People; Smart Computing; 2002
  • The REBOL IOS Distributed Filesystem; Dr. Dobb's Journal; 9/2002
  • The REBOL/Core Users Guide; Carl Sassenrath; 2000-2005

[edit] External links

NAME Sassenrath, Carl
SHORT DESCRIPTION Computer scientist
In other languages