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For the Province of the Ancash Region in Peru, see Carhuaz Province

Carhuaz is a town in the Ancash Region, Peru. It is located at around 9°16′0″S, 77°37′60″W, at elevation of about 3000 m.

The city of capital Carhuaz of the province of the same name, is to 30 kilometers to the north of Huaraz, to 2.650 meters and by its altitude and regimes of winds and temperatures, one of the most propitious climates of Peru, and possibly of the world is considered. Its temperature average of is of 12 to 14 degrees Celsius.

Carhuaz is the third city in importance of the Alley of Huaylas to 2688 meters on the level of the sea, its structure is own of the serranas colonial cities.

Account with hotels, lodgings, restaurants (eaten typical), a colorful seat of arms, that by the taken care of beauty and of its gardens, is forced stopping place of the tourism.

From this city and transmontando the White mountain range by the denominated point Olympic End, to the south of the snow-covered Huascarán, two a ocal highway unites to sub regions, Huaylas and Conchucos, in the this last first town whereupon it is is Chacas, that in the last years it has developed an important industry of carvings in wood, that they have given fame him in the world

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