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Carex halleriana
Carex halleriana
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Poales
Family: Cyperaceae
Genus: Carex

See text

Carex is a genus of plants in the family Cyperaceae, commonly known as sedges (although other, related species are also called sedges, those of genus Carex may be called "true" sedges). It is the most species-rich genus in the family. The study of Carex is known as caricology, a word reportedly created by Robert Kral, retired botanist at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee.[citation needed]

The genus was established by Carolus Linnaeus in his work Species Plantarum in 1753. Estimates of the number of species vary from about 1100 to almost 2000 [1]. They are distributed all over the world, but predominantly found in temperate regions.

Most (but not all) sedges are found in marshes, where they can be the dominant vegetation. C. muricata is a rare species which occurs in only a handful of locations within England, and consequently is a protected species under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan.[citation needed]

[edit] Species

Carex rostrata
Carex rostrata
  • Carex acuta L.
  • Carex acutiformis Ehrh.
  • Carex arenaria L.
  • Carex alba
  • Carex albida
  • Carex aligata
  • Carex asturica Boiss.
  • Carex atrofusca
  • Carex binervis Sm.
  • Carex bohemica
  • Carex brevicollis DC.
  • Carex brachystachys
  • Carex brizoides
  • Carex camposii Boiss. et Reuter
  • Carex capillaris L.
  • Carex capitata
  • Carex caryophyllea Latourrette
  • Carex cespitosa L.
  • Carex cordorrhiza
  • Carex curvula Al.
  • Carex cyperoides
  • Carex davalliana Sm.
  • Carex davisii
  • Carex demissa Hornern.
  • Carex depauperata Curtis ex With.
  • Carex despressa Link
  • Carex digitata L.
  • Carex distachya Desf.
  • Carex distans L.
  • Carex disticha Hudson
  • Carex divisa Hudson
  • Carex divulsa Stokes
  • Carex dioica
  • Carex durieui Steudel
  • Carex echinata Murray
  • Carex elata All.
  • Carex ericetorum Pollich
  • Carex extensa Good.
  • Carex ferruginea Scop.
  • Carex filiformis L.
  • Carex fimbriata
  • Carex firma
  • Carex flacca Schieber
  • Carex flava L.
  • Carex globularis
  • Carex grayi
  • Carex guestphalica
  • Carex halleriana Amo
  • Carex hirta L.
  • Carex hispida Willd.
  • Carex hordeistichos Vill.
  • Carex hostiana DC.
  • Carex humilis Leysser
  • Carex lachenalii Schkuhr
  • Carex laevigata Sm.
  • Carex leporina
  • Carex liparocarpos Gaudin
  • Carex loliacea (image)
  • Carex longii
  • Carex macloviana
  • Carex macrostylon Lapeyr.
  • Carex mairii Cosson et Germ.
  • Carex maritima
  • Carex microglochin
  • Carex montana L.
  • Carex muricata L.
  • Carex muskingumensis Nutt.
  • Carex nigra (L.) Reichard
  • Carex nudata S.Watson
  • Carex obtusata
  • Carex oedipostyla Duval-Jouve
  • Carex ornithopoda Willd.
  • Carex otrubae Podp.
  • Carex ovalis Gooden
  • Carex pallescens L.
  • Carex panicea L.
  • Carex paniculata L.
  • Carex pairae
  • Carex pauciflora
  • Carex paridoxa
  • Carex parviflora Host.
  • Carex pendula Hudson
  • Carex pensylvanica
  • Carex pilulifera L.
  • Carex praecox Schreber
  • Carex pulicaris L.
  • Carex pseudocyperus L.
  • Carex pulicarus
  • Carex punctata Gaudin
  • Carex pyrenaica Wahlenb.
  • Carex remota L.
  • Carex riparia Curtis
  • Carex rostrata Stokes
  • Carex rupestris
  • Carex sempervirens Vill.
  • Carex serotina Mérat
  • Carex serpenticola
  • Carex simpliciascula
  • Carex spicata Hudson
  • Carex spissa
  • Carex strigosa Hudson
  • Carex sylvatica Hudson
  • Carex teretiuscula
  • Carex umbrosa Host
  • Carex vesicaria L.
  • Carex vulpina L.

[edit] External Links

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[edit] References

  1. ^ Anthony Darrouzet-Nardi (2003-05-05). Systematics of the genus Carex.