Cardiff Huskies

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The Cardiff Huskies Sledge hockey team is a disabled ice hockey team based in Cardiff, Wales. It was started by Andy McNulty and David "Jamo" James. The team was created roughly about 11 - 12 years ago. The Cardiff Huskies is the only sledge hockey team in Wales. The team is part of the BSHA (British Sledge Hockey Association). The team has a strong belief of including everyone, and it is one of the main teams that champions adults, children, male athletes and women athletes, on the Huskies roster. The club has still managed to remain strong and is still training even though the squads in Britain are merging or disappearing. The Huskies is one of the main strongest teams that help raise awareness of sledge hockey in the British Isles, as a way of getting more players and hopefully more teams created. Kingston Kestrels is another team that advertises sledge hockey in the British Isles.

The Kingston Kestrels team, are the Huskies rivals, as they were created the same time and are similar in skill level. Other teams in the UK are Nottingham Knights and London Ravens. Nottingham has merged with Kingston Kestrels due to a lack of players on the Nottingham squad. London Ravens are on the verge of dispanding as their main players have gone to other teams.

The Cardiff Huskies train in the WNIR (Welsh National Ice Rink) which is going to be knocked down. They will soon be moved to a new temporary ice rink, until the Cardiff sports village is created.