Cardenal Antonio Samoré Pass

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Coordinates: 40°42′S″71, 56°W′″{{{8}}}

Cardenal Antonio Samoré
Elevation 1314 m.
Location Flag of Chile Chile / Flag of Argentina Argentina
Range Andes
Coordinates 40°42′S″71, 56°W′type:mountain″{{{8}}}

Cardenal Antonio Samoré Pass (Spanish: Paso Cardenal Antonio Samoré) is a mountain pass through the Andes along the border between Chile and Argentina, and is one of the principal passes of the southern Andes. It is named after the Cardinal Antonio Samoré who mediated in the Beagle conflict between Chile and Argentina in 1978. Before it was renamed, it was knoiwn as Paso Puyehue after Puyehue Lake. It is the together with Paso Libertadores one of the easiest of the Argentian-Chile passes, and one of the few with asphalted roads in the region. The main towns and cities respectively on both sides of the pass are Entrelagos and Osorno in Chile and Villa La Angostura and San Carlos de Bariloche in Argentina.