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Jackie Chan: Young Dragon

Andrew Gober Febuary 20,2007 Miss. Holt

When making the movie police story 2 Jackie Chan almost killed himself when perfoming a stunt where he jumped through a billboard and than through a pain of glass. When he jumped he jumped too soon and missed the prop billboard and went right through a real billboard this gave him a sever head injury. He was rushed to the hospital where he got a part of his skull removed and replaced with plastic. Jackie has gotten over 71 injuries while filming over 100 movies out of which only 34 of them made it to America. Jackie Chan is the most well know Asian actor in the world, but he has had to over come more than a few bumps and bruises to become the most famous Asian actor. Jackie Chan was born on Victoria Peak, Hong Kong. His mother Lee-Lee Chan and father Charles Chan. His mother worked as maid and butler for the French ambassador. Up untell the Chinese civil war when Jackie and his mother and father immigrated to Canberra witch is in Australia in 1960. Jackie Chan’s birth name is Chan Kong-Sang that means “born in Hong-Kong” he was not know by the name Jackie tell he stared working in America. Jackie went to school at Nan Hua Elementary Academy, but his mother felt he was struggled so his mother and father sent him to the Chinese Opera research institute in 1961 but due to financial trouble he had to change school yet again this time he moved to Peking Opera School. This is where he learned most of his skill he is know for like hi acrobatics, and kung fu but it was hard his teachers where extremely strict. It was at this school that Jackie got his chance to become grate he joined a number of other students who would later be know as the seven little fortunes. This seven would be the best to have come out of the Peking Opera School. But he was really got to be good friends with Sammo Hung, and Yuen Biao. The tree of them later where know as the three dragons.

   Jackie had a hard time finding work right out of school so like many he moved back home with his mother and father and worked on building sites, this is when he got to be know as Jackie Chan, because he worked next to a really big man named Jackie the other worked would call his little Jackie and he was know as Jackie from then on. He would us one other name if the movie he was make working on he would go by his aliases name Chen Yueng Lung.  After his brief time as a construction worker he stared to work as a flam stuntman on a few films the best know was a film with Bruce Lee’s enters the Dragon. After being a stuntman for a few lower rated movies he was given a real acting role in the movie “All in the family”. This is the only film still to day that he had no fighting or stunts.       

Jackie got his first big hit that was seen around the world in the movie Drunken Master. In the film he played a young mischievous rascal instead of the venerable kung fu master that he played in most other films. This film jump started Jackie’s film career and opened up lots of other possibility lot his singing career. In Hong Kong Jackie is not just know as an actor but all so a singer a very popular and successful singer at that. He can sing in a lot of languages including Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Vietnamese and English. He will do a lot of singing in his films but when he doses a movie the soundtrack is often times replaced to some thing better know here. Jackie Chan even has a cartoon show here in America with Jackie dose his voice of his cartoon counter part. In the cartoon Jackie has to stop the forces of evil and keeps an eye on his niece who is all ways getting in to trouble Some of the new movies have been mix some good some not so good showlin mucks was good but around the world in 80 days not so good, Mr. Chan has lived his done a lot in his life and unforconitly his stunman days are runing out he can no longer do a lot of his own stunts do to the back injureses he has sufered. So he has to have stunt dubles prefourm the stunts for him and he has linied mobility so for the most part his career is over but he can still work on making music and his cartoon. Jakie chan was born in Hong Kong and his name really means born in Hong Kong his mother and father are Lee-Lee Chan and chares Chan. He started his schooling at Nan Hua Elementary Academy but swiched to Chinese Opera research instituteand finaly to Peking Opera School where he lerned all of his skills that he is know for. After school he moved back home with his mother and father than got a job as a stunt man tell he got a real acting role, and did that for many years and had many good and not so great movies relesed. But now he can not do a lot of fighting in his movies or big stunts do to back and neck injureses. Jackie can still work on his singing career and his cartoon show. All and all he has lived a full life and could us a brack with his family and spend time with his wife and kid.


Patrick Stewart the spaceman

Devin Seigel Mrs. Holt 4th Hour February 22, 2006

Patrick Stewart is an English born man who is 66 years old. He has been in many things such as film and theater. Some of his works include Dune, The Next Generation, Star Trek movies, and X-men 1-3. People seam to love this man’s work. Many people in the USA love his work on Star Trek and some new fans love his work in the X-Men movies.

The beginning of his life his father was a career soldier and his mother worked in an industrial weaving. He was born in Mirfield, West Yorkshire England, on July 13, 1940. At the age of 15 he toke an eight-day drama course. The next week at school he gave a presentation and after it his teacher said that he would never make it.         

So that week he quit school and got a job. Life after school was not easy at first. He worked as a Furniture Salesman to save money for schooling for acting. When he got the money he enrolled in Bristol Old Vic Theatre School in 1957. In 1959 he played Morgan in a stage adaptation of Treasure Island and after doing more theater he moved on to movies. Getting into the movies was a good thing for him. It got Americans to nodes him as the great men he is today. Patrick’s first movie was Dune he played Gurney Halleck the weapons teacher. Gurney was a chief officer of Duke Leto Atreides the house fell but he survived. Years later he falls in with mélange smugglers he was almost killed by a fake hoard of spice. In the end he because Jessica’s, loyal chief officer. After the movie was out in the USA people stated to say hey this guy Patrick Stewart is pretty good. The next big thing would be The Next Generation and this is how so many people know him. The Next Generation was a new series in the Star Trek universe. Patrick played Caption Jean-Luc Picard the caption of the U.S.S. Pegasus and then the U.S.S. Enterprise D and the later he was caption of the USS Enterprise E. Jean-Luc Picard grow up on a wine orchid in France living there he did not have the modern convenes of the time. His fathers refused to have any modern technology in his house but Picard what to join Starfleet but his father would not let him join up. So when he was eighteen he left home and joined up. That what lead him to, be a caption of a star ship. After the first episode people love him they loved the show it was a smash. In the show and movies it was some of the best acting he could be so very serious and intense. Then in the next seen he could be pouring his heart out and crying and still be taken serious. Mr. Stewart played Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men films. Xavier is a super mind reader telekinetic psychic they say he’s the most powerful one in the world. He founded Xavier’s school for the Gifted to help mutants learn to use there powers. The Professor is the leader of the X-Men the X-Men are Mutants who are out to help other mutants and stop harm towed mutants. Xavier parents were Brian Xavier and Sharon Xavier. Brian was a nuclear scientist and Sharon was a stay at home mom. After his father dies Sharon remarries to Kurt Marko he only cared about her money. After they are marred the Professor Powers start and he get a step brother Cain Marko (who is letter the Juggernaut) Cain would beat up Charles on a daily bases. A year letter Charles mom dies. Him and Cain get in a big fight and start a fire and Kurt barley gets them out of it. After that he did well in school try to just get a way and he got drafted into the Korean War he meat up with Magneto after the war and joined up to stop evil. A few years latter an alien named Lucifer planes were foiled and the aliens dropped a boulder on his legs, and that’s why he in a wheelchair. He has also leant his voice to many things. He played the roll of Mr.Woolensworth in the movie Chicken Little. In the movie Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius as King Goobot. In Bambi II he played Thr Great Pronce/stag. Patrick allso leant his voice to video games. He’s been in games like X-men Legends, X-men Legands II: Rise of Apocalypse, and X-men: the offcial game.

Patrick Stewart is a man of many tallest where it is on TV in a movie or on stag. His work have in sparred a big group of actors to try to get them to try there hardest. This man has done so much work to entertain people and have fun doing it at the same time. Patrick Stewart lives life to the fullest he love to entertain people it’s what he lives for to see a small on some ones face.