User:Captain Blood/GMT Example

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The main map
The main map
The helper map for the shadow
The helper map for the shadow
The final map
The final map


[edit] How to create a topographic map with GMT

Here is described how one can create a map of California.

[edit] Installation

Install the Generic Mapping Tools (must use Version 4.X+), Linux is preferred (Windows is possible too, but I don't know about that (NOTE: Tested in Windows. Use the script in a Cygwin shell (to eliminate rewrite))). Either way Ghostscript or other PostScript software is needed too. Read GMT's tutorial [1]. Especially sections 4.1.3, 4.1.4 (how to create simple maps) and 4.3 (using grid files for the relief). Anyway, be aware GMT is a set of command line tools, there is no GUI. There exists a GUI frontend for GMT, see the external link in Generic Mapping Tools but I haven't tried that.

[edit] Topographic data

Download e10g.tgz from and untar it into GMTHOME/GMT4.0/share/dbase

If you want bathymetry (oceanic topography), download etopo2.grd from (registration required, free). It is already in GMT's grd-format.

NOTE:  Despite the similarity of names, the etopo2.grd file covers the entire world, while e10g only
 covers a western portion of North America.

[edit] Gridfiles

Add the following lines into GMTHOME/GMT4.0/share/dbase/ (we need line 5 only now, but the other may become useful)

  1 "GLOBE_G" "m" -R-180/-90/50/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -500 a10g
  2 "GLOBE_G" "m" -R-90/0/50/90    -I0.5m P i 1 0 -500 b10g
  3 "GLOBE_G" "m" -R0/90/50/90     -I0.5m P i 1 0 -500 c10g
  4 "GLOBE_G" "m" -R90/180/50/90   -I0.5m P i 1 0 -500 d10g
  5 "GLOBE_G" "m" -R-180/-90/0/50  -I0.5m P i 1 0 -500 e10g
  6 "GLOBE_G" "m" -R-90/0/0/50     -I0.5m P i 1 0 -500 f10g
  7 "GLOBE_G" "m" -R0/90/0/50      -I0.5m P i 1 0 -500 g10g
  8 "GLOBE_G" "m" -R90/180/0/50    -I0.5m P i 1 0 -500 h10g
  9  "GLOBE_G" "m" -R-180/-90/-50/0 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -500 i10g
  10 "GLOBE_G" "m" -R-90/0/-50/0    -I0.5m P i 1 0 -500 j10g
  11 "GLOBE_G" "m" -R0/90/-50/0     -I0.5m P i 1 0 -500 k10g
  12 "GLOBE_G" "m" -R90/180/-50/0   -I0.5m P i 1 0 -500 l10g
  13 "GLOBE_G" "m" -R-180/-90/-90/-50  -I0.5m P i 1 0 -500 m10g
  14 "GLOBE_G" "m" -R-90/0/-90/-50     -I0.5m P i 1 0 -500 n10g
  15 "GLOBE_G" "m" -R0/90/-90/-50      -I0.5m P i 1 0 -500 o10g
  16 "GLOBE_G" "m" -R90/180/-90/-50    -I0.5m P i 1 0 -500 p10g
NOTE:  Although this article was originally written with blank lines between some of 
 the text lines (ex. lines 4 and 5, lines 8 and 9), the file MUST NOT
 have blank lines before, in between, or after the lines with text. Otherwise, you will
 receive an error "ERROR reading file." "File number conversion error."
FURTHER NOTE:  At least in Windows, there must be a carriage return/line feed (CRLF)
 at the end of the last line or the p10g file will not be processed.

Create the gridfile e.grd (from anywhere) (see GMT tutorial chapter 4.3):

  grdraster 5 -R-180/-90/0/50 -Ge.grd 

Create the illuminated gridfile e_i5.grd:

  grdgradient e.grd -Ne.5 -A100 -M -Ge_i5.grd

[edit] Labels

The following textfiles contain some labels and coordinates:

  # file california_capital
  -121:29 38:34 10 0 0 BR SACRAMENTO
  # file california_cities
  -118:14 34:03 10 0 0 TR Los Angeles
  -122:25 37:46 10 0 0 TR San Francisco
  -121:53 37:20 10 0 0 TR San Jose
  -119:46 36:44 10 0 0 BR Fresno
  -117:09 32:42 10 0 0 TR San Diego
  # file california_cross
  -117:00 36:30 10 0 2 TL Death Valley
  # file california_labels
  12 15 10 -55 2 MC Sierra Nevada
  10 14 10 -50 2 MC Central Valley
  16  8 10   0 2 MC Mojave Desert
  # file california_peaks
  -118:17:31 36:34:43 10 0 2 TR Mount Whitney

[edit] Color palettes

The color palette for the topography:

  # file usa.cpt
  0     0       97      71      50      16      122     47
  50    16      122     47      500     232     215     125
  500   232     215     125     1200    161     67      0       
  1200  161     67      0       1700    130     30      30
  1700  130     30      30      2800    110     110     110
  2800  110     110     110     4000    255     255     255
  4000  255     255     255     6000    255     255     255
  N 0 97 71
  F 255 0 0
  B 0 97 71

The color palette for the bathymetry (optional)

  # file meer.cpt
  -11000   36  38 175     -5500   56  58 195
  -5500  56  58 195     -3000   70  72 214
  -3000  70  72 214     -2000   81 102 217
  -2000  81 102 217      -750   100 129 223
   -750 100 129 223       -70   131 161 230
    -70 131 161 230       -20   164 192 240
    -20 164 192 240         0   170 200 255
  N 170 200 255
  F 170 200 255
  B 170 200 255

[edit] The Map

Not the final step, but the most important: run the following shell script:

  RIVERS="-Ia/1/40/40/120 -I1/4/40/40/120 -I2/2/40/40/120"
  # TOPO ########################################################################
  # bathymetry
  grdimage $TOPO2 $PALETTE2 $ALL -K >
  # clippath for land
  pscoast $ALL $DETAIL -Gc -K -O >>
  # land
  grdimage $TOPO $ILLU $PALETTE $ALL -K -O >>
  # clear clippath
  pscoast -R -J -O -K -Q >>
  # coast, rivers
   $SCALE -O -K >>
  psscale -D.4c/3.0c/2i/.2i $PALETTE -B:m: -L -P -O -K >>
  # NATION ######################################################################
  # LABELS ######################################################################
  function do_text () 
      # $1: Koordinaten-Datei
      # $2: Textfarbe ("-G0/0/0 -W178/93/155")
      # $3: Symbol+Farbe ("-Sc.045 -G255/0/0 -W")
      # $4: ps Datei
      # echo "do_text($*)"
      # BL/BR/TR/TL rausfiltern, Labels drucken
      grep BL $1 | pstext $ALL $2 -D.07/.07   -O -K >>$4
      grep BR $1 | pstext $ALL $2 -D-.14/.07  -O -K >>$4
      grep TR $1 | pstext $ALL $2 -D-.14/-.04 -O -K >>$4
      grep TL $1 | pstext $ALL $2 -D.07/-.04  -O -K >>$4
      grep BC $1 | pstext $ALL $2 -D0.0/.07   -O -K >>$4
      grep TC $1 | pstext $ALL $2 -D0.0/-.07  -O -K >>$4
      # Symbole drucken
      psxy $1 $ALL $3 -O -K >>$4
  TEXTF="-G255/255/255 -S4/0/0/0"
  SYMBF="-G255/0/0 -W2/0/0/0"
  do_text "$FILE"_cities "$TEXTF" "-Ss.2 $SYMBF" $TF
  do_text "$FILE"_capital "$TEXTF" "-Sa.3 $SYMBF" $TF
  do_text "$FILE"_peaks "$TEXTF" "-St.25 -W3/0/0/0" $TF
  do_text "$FILE"_cross "$TEXTF" "-Sx.25 -W3/0/0/0" $TF
  # GRID2=-B1g1
  pstext "$FILE"_labels $GRID2 -JX24c/27c -R0/24/0/27 $TEXTF -O >>$TF

This will create the PostScript files and

[edit] The final map

Open and with GIMP (300 Dpi), with anti-aliasing, without. Crop them. Add a layer to, copy into the new layer, fill all gray areas with black, remove everything else, put the transparency of the new layer at 40%. All land is darker now. Mark california with the color selection tool and cut it. It is bright now. Scale down to 1400 pixels. That's all!