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If one could make a living off of apathy, spite, and having an insane amount of pride in sharing a birthday with Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, Caroline would be one hell of a rich lady. She is currently a senior at a small, classy, well-landscaped all-girls Catholic high school predominantly run by self-proclaimed "uppity women" in Houston, Texas. She wishes to pursue a career in film archival and/or preservation upon graduating from a place of higher education. In the meantime, she enjoys John Waters movies, internet fads, record shopping, cruising the streets of Houston in the "Lineymobile," and putting assignments off until the last possible minute.

This User Is...
This user enjoys film.
This user is a SubGenius.
This user tracks what they listen to on

This user suffers from senioritis, an incurable demotivational syndrome.

MST3K This user is a MSTie.
A, B, and C This user prefers the serial comma.
"Three be the things I shall never attain: Envy, content, and sufficient champagne."

- Dorothy Parker