Capricorn Shura

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Capricorn Shura is a major character in the anime/manga series, Saint Seiya. He belongs to the fabled rank of Gold Saint hierarchy among the other 12 Gold Saints. His guardian star is of the zodiac sign of Capricorn. Shura is famous throughout the series as being the most loyal Saint to Athena.

Shura, Gold Saint of the Capricorn
Shura, Gold Saint of the Capricorn



[edit] Statistics

  • Age: 23
  • Height: 1.86 m
  • Weight: 83 kg
  • DOB: January 12
  • Blood: B type
  • Birth Place: Spain
  • Trained: Spain (Pirineus Mountains)
  • Seiyuu: Kōji Totani [1987-1989(戸谷公次, とたに こうじ (deceased Feb. 2006))]

Kusao Takeshi [2002-2006] (草尾毅)

[edit] Secret Moves

  • Excalibur: In the anime, it was said that in the time of myth, Athena granted the legendary sword Excalibur only to a Saint who proved his worthiness on the battlefield, and his undying loyalty towards the Goddess Athena - the epitome of what a true worthy warrior should be. The sword Excalibur was endowed with an amazing cutting power, that enabled the user of the sword to cut through anything. This attack would be the mark of the proudest warrior under a rank of Saint, an honor which belonged to the Gold Saint of Capricorn Shura.
    However this explanation doesn't appear anywhere in the manga, in which Shura is never presented as the "most loyal to Athena". This also marks a big divergence, between the manga and the anime, in Shura's motives during the Sanctuary arc.
  • Jumping Stone: He used this attack against Dragon Shiryu. Shiryu grabbed Excalibur in hopes of stopping Shura, but Shura used his leg to throw him in the air and told him that although his other limbs were not as strong as Excalibur, they were deadly weapons.

[edit] Deception and Betrayal

13 years before the Galaxian Wars Tournament started, Sanctuary was rejoicing the birth of a Reincarnated Athena who was reborn every 200 years in the land. The Pope of the Sanctuary decided that it was time to announce his successor who would lead the path of peace and justice together with Athena. The choice came to two worthy Gold Saints - The Saint of Sagittarius Aiolos and the Gemini Saint Saga. The new Pope was to be Aiolos. Saga was furious over this decision, he killed the Pope, stole his robes and rank - effectively hiding his true face under the mask of Grand Pope. He quickly devised a plan to kill Athena and take over Sanctuary.

However, his plan to kill the infant Athena failed because of Aiolos, who realized Athena was in grave danger: he decided to escape Sanctuary together with the infant Athena and his Gold Cloth.

On his way to the outside world, he wass confronted by many guardians of the Sanctuary who were sent to kill him. Aiolos quickly defeats them, however his victory is cut short when Shura - the Gold Saint of Capricorn stands in his way.

The confrontation between Aiolos and Shura was never actually depicted in the manga, but the anime script writers developed this idea in episode 65:
Seeing the baby in Aiolos' arm and the Gold Cloth on his back - Shura was disgusted by the fact that Aiolos was indeed a traitor. Aiolos tried to explain to him that he was mistaken and that Sanctuary was being manipulated by someone truly evil. Shura cut his explanation short, seeing the undeniable evidence that Aiolos had indeed kidnapped a baby and was trying to run away from the Sanctuary with his Gold Cloth - a grave sin marked by death. He was sent by the Pope but refused to believe this, as the Gold Saint Aiolos happened to be his best friend, but seeing as the rumors were true - Shura decided to hand down Aiolos, "Heaven's punishment through death". Aiolos seeing as there was no other choice, prepared to fight against his former best friend.

The two Gold Saints engaged in what is known as the "War of 1,000 Days" - an epic battle between Gold Saints which would result in death for either one. The Capricorn Saint quickly gained the upper hand from the battle-weary and unprotected Aiolos. However Aiolos donned his Gold Cloth and quickly turned the table on Shura, knocking him down. As Aiolos prepared his final blow, he was quickly stopped as he saw the infant Athena crawl towards Shura's side, he knew he couldn't unleash his power because he might have harmed the baby leaving him open to attack. Shura smiled and cuddled the baby - realizing that fortune had blessed his battle and quickly capitalized in this situation and attacked Aioros. Aioros saw that there was nothing he could do but defend, tried to jump out of Shura's range of attack but failed - mortally wounded in the process and fell down the cliff.

Shura commented in how this death was deemed necessary as Aiolos was a traitor and decided to head back to Sanctuary. However, he saw the baby Athena crawling towards the end of the cliff looking down in curiosity, he prepared to strike down the baby, but he stopped, smiling to himself that it would be better to leave the baby to fate deemed by the gods and left. Unknown to him at the time, was that infant was Athena and that Aiolos survived his fatal attack and he would manage to smuggle the baby out of the Sanctuary into the hands of Mitsumada Kido, who would later on train a new generation of Saints and protect Athena.

Note: In the original manga, rather than being blindly loyal, Shura was actually on the same side as Gemini Saga, who ordered Shura to pursue and kill Aiolos. Shura had lost his faith in Athena and chose to adopt Saga's way of ruling with brutal strength.

[edit] The war against Sanctuary, The Mystery behind Excalibur

13 years later, the Bronze Saints invaded the Sanctuary in order to save Saori (Athena) from death by the gold arrow embedded in her heart. The Bronze Saints successfully passed all the houses and reached the Palace of Capricorn where they saw a statue of Athena handing down the Legendary Sword Excalibur to the Saint deemed the most loyal to her. The Bronze Saints stand in awe, as who could be this mythical hero - the most loyal Saint in all of Athena's rank. They were soon confronted by Shura who explained to them that he was the Gold Saint in the statue and he labelled them traitors for invading the Sanctuary. Dragon Shiryu confronted Shura alone and told his friends to go on ahead, that he would catch up with them soon enough.

Shura quickly demonstrated the power of Excalibur. Shiryu was horrified at seeing Shura's amazing power, he quickly realized the force behind Shura's attack. The power of the Excalibur had been embedded in Shura's arms and legs. Every strike Shura made had the power to tear Shiryu's Bronze cloth like it was nothing, even breaking Shiryu's shield which was said to have the strongest defense. Combined with the incredible strength and speed of light of a Gold Saint - Excalibur was an unstoppable attack.

As Shiryu suffered from Shura's attack - Shura revealed to him that he was the one that handed down Aiolos' punishment for stealing the Sagittarius Gold Cloth and running away with an infant (Note: In the manga, Shiryu questioned his loyalty, and Shura states that it lied within the Pope, and he was the one who executed Aiolos). Shiryu was angered by this, as Shura's blind loyalty towards the Sanctuary had blinded him to the truth as to what happened 13 years ago. Shura pierced Shiryu's heart (which was the weakness of his Rozan Shō Ryu Ha technique) but realized that Shiryu had done this in purpose, in order to break his right arm. Left with his left arm, he once again pierced Shiryu's chest but this time, Shiryu told him that he would not die alone. With Shura's hand stuck in his chest, Shiryu literally chopped Shura's left arm, amputating the Gold Saint's arm leaving him defenseless and unleashed his ultimate technique, the Rozan Kō Ryu Ha - sending both flying up the sky to their apparent death.

Both the Gold and Bronze Saints rose up to the sky at an amazing speed. Shiryu's technique would kill both of them at the same time. The Gold Saint was horrified at Shiryu's unbreakable will, and asked him why did he fight so hard and why was he willing to throw away his life like this. Shiryu explained to him that any Saint would know why: For Love, Justice and Peace in the name of Athena. Shura puzzled at the honest truth behind the Bronze Saint's reply asked him who was this Athena he was fighting for. Shiryu revealed to him that he was fighting for the true Athena, the girl named Saori Kido - the baby Aiolos protected with his life, and the infant he tried to kill 13 years ago.

Shura wept over his tragic mistake, he realized the truth as to why he could no strike down the baby Athena as she was looking down the cliff - it was because she released a powerful cosmo from the infant body which stopped him. A feat that only a God could do. He cried over his error of his way, and how he was not worthy of being a Gold Saint. He lamented the fact that both him and Shiryu will die soon, but he could last longer from the burning effect of the atmosphere due to his powerful Gold Cloth, while Shiryu was naked and had no protection. He wished he could save the valiant Bronze Saint, but he told him it was too late as they reached the stratosphere - but commented that if they did die, they would together become stardust and together - protect Athena and their loved ones.

Just as they reached outer space - Shura decided that Shiryu was not meant to die. He told Shiryu to place his right arm under his broken arm and transferred part of his Cosmo to him. Shura told Shiryu to keep the vow that all men make when they become Saints: Protect Athena and fight for Justice. He also left him a "gift" given only to those whose loyalty is true only to Athena. With this parting words, the Gold Saint burned up his remaining Cosmo and transferred his powerful Gold Cloth to Shiryu and kicked him back down Earth. Shiryu screamed Shura's name as he realized Shura's brave sacrifice. Shura reminded him that he would always watch over him, and thanked him for making him see the true loyalty of a Saint. This was his way to atone for the grave sin he committed 13 years ago, and his way of regaining true Sainthood. Shura burned alive and died alone in outer space, while Shiryu crashed back down to the remains of the destroyed Capricorn temple with Shura's Gold Cloth protecting him in the process. However, Shiryu was critically injured and it was not until the Poseidon arc that he recovered.

[edit] The Battle against Poseidon - A True Saint's Loyalty

Shura's legacy was now passed down the Bronze Saint and it would be proven in the coming battle against Poseidon. Shura's soul would once again come to Shiryu's aid when war against Poseidon started. The Bronze Saint was being badly beaten by the Marine General Chrysaor Krishna whose mighty lance was said to be given to him by the god Poseidon himself. Shiryu, whose hope in winning was diminishing, found himself drowning in despair. He had no hope against such an unstoppable weapon that penetrated even his Bronze Cloth that was reborn with the blood of the Gold Saints.

Shura's spirit spoke to his Cosmo cheering him on, reminding him that he too, was given a Holy weapon, a weapon capable of cutting anything, a legendary sword whose power was beyond anything else - the Holy sword Excalibur. Shiryu realized that this was Shura's parting gift before he was kicked back down to Earth. Shura's spirit reminded him that he could only use Excalibur when he burnt up his Cosmo to a Gold Saint's level and awakened his Seventh Sense. Shiryu soon gained the upper hand, cutting the Sea General's Marine Scale to pieces and eventually won the battle. Shiryu's heart smiled knowing that the Gold Saint's spirit was with him always.

[edit] The Loyalty of Gold that endures the test of Time

Shura, alive once more
Shura, alive once more

When Hades' spirit awakened, Sanctuary was once again invaded by the Spectres who were sent by Hades himself to kill Athena. Among these Spectres, were the fallen Gold Saints - Cancer Deathmask, Pisces Aphrodite, Gemini Saga, Aquarius Camus, and Capricorn Shura who were also sent to kill Athena. Deathmask and Aphrodite were killed by the Gold Saint Aries Mu, however the combined might of Shura, Camus and Saga were more than enough to stop the single Gold Saint of Aries.

Shura, Camus and Saga quickly made their way to the temple of Virgo, where they confronted the single Gold Saint Virgo Shaka. As they battled, Shaka realized that their combined power would soon end in his death. Shaka unleashed his ultimate technique which combined both defense and offense at the same time, the Tenbu Hōrin. Shaka also began taking away their senses, until they had only one left. Saga realized that they would be soon defeated by Shaka if they didn't combine their Cosmos and unleash the deadliest attack deemed forbidden by Athena herself - the Athena Exclamation. Saga also sensed Shaka's suicidal tendency to die in battle and was forcing them to do so. Shura begs not unleash this attack, as they will be branded worse than traitor, Camus agrees. Eventually, the former Gold Saints unleashed the Athena Exclamation, killing their comrade and lamented on the fact that Shaka had to die like this. However, Shaka's spirit came back to life for a short while only to write down his last message to Athena - Shura agreed to assist Shaka in suicide but wept over the fact Shaka was already dead as his body faded away into stardust.

The Athena Exclamation was once again unleashed against Scorpio Milo, Leo Aiolia and Aries Mu, who had to use their own Athena Exclamation attack to counter theirs. As the two powers clashed, the Bronze Saints interfered, and stated that this is not the way Saints should confront one another and remind them what true Saints are about. Shiryu reminded Shura that part of his soul resides in him, and therefore understood his pain. With the combined power of the Bronze Saints (Note: In the manga, this was done by Shiryu alone), they deflected the power of the two clashing Athena Exclamation away.

Athena, hearing their battle from the Hall of the Pope, summoned both groups over. Understanding the message that Shaka sent her, Athena commits suicide so that her spirit could enter Hell. After her death, the trio planned to blackmail Pandora into taking them where Hades was. As they entered Pandora's castle, Shura quickly held her under his sword and demanded to be taken to Hades. However, Pandora revealed to them that their 12 hours of life would soon be over, and the three fell as the sun started to rise, slowly disintegrating to dust. Before Shura's body turned into stardust, he reminded Shiryu of the gift that he had in right arm, and why he was given Excalibur. Having said those words - he entrusted Athena's life to Shiryu once again.

Shura's soul would soon come Shiryu's aid when the Bronze saints started waging their war agains Hades in Hell. Together along with Aiolos - all the 12 Gold Saints focused their power to break open the Wailing wall to open the gate towards Elysion, the paradise of the gods. Shiryu once again called upon the weapon bestowed to him by Shura in order to use Excalibur to injure the 3 Spectres he was fighting against.

[edit] Note and Trivia

  • Athena is stated to be a goddess who detests the use of weapons, so granting use of the Excalibur was a huge honour to a Gold Saint (Libra Dohko and Sagittarius Aiolos also wielded weapons). However, it is arguable whether Shura's Excalibur is considered a true weapon.
  • In the Saint Seiya "Side Story" (a text written by Takao Koyama, the main anime script writer) is revealed that the Shura and Aiolos, were indeed best friends and thus have an undeniable connection between one another. This also explain Shura's deep regret in killing Aiolos, during an episode of the first hades OVA, when he tried to explain Aiolia his grief, but Aiolia quickly told him to shut up
  • When Shaka completely took away their senses - Shura was the only one left with speech, as his taste sense was untouched.
  • Shura is named after asura, the Hindu demon who eternally hungers for battle and war.
  • The only time the Excalibur failed to work against an opponent was against the Spectre Minotaur Gordon, who used his Grand Axe Crusher attack against Shiryu's Excalibur, crushing Shiryu's right wrist and "breaking" his Excalibur. This could be because Shiryu's Excalibur is truly effective when he perfectly burns his cosmos to his 7th sense. Then again, Shiryu's first attempt at excalibur also failed against the lance of Poseidon's General Krishna.
  • In Saint Seiya: SD, a parody doujinshi of the series, Shura was able to survive Shiryu's Rozan Kō Ryu Ha kamikaze attack. After sending Shiryu back to Earth, Shura became a satellite and orbited the Earth for six months before dropping back down.
  • The reason why Shura has a full helmet in the anime sanctuary chapter is because the first artwork Masami Kurumada published of him had no visual appearance. Thus with no hair visible they concluded that it was a full helmet.
  • It was Shura who finally killed the "traitor" Aiolos, after Pope Ares (Gemini Saga) ordered his assassination because he discovered Saga's true idetity and intentions. Shura was only ten years old when he killed Sagittarius Aiolos.

Saint Seiya characters
Bronze Saints

Pegasus Seiya | Cygnus Hyoga | Dragon Shiryu | Andromeda Shun | Phoenix Ikki

Unicorn Jabu | Lionet Ban | Wolf Nachi | Bear Geki | Hydra Ichi

Chamaeleon June

Silver Saints

Lizard Misty | Centaurus Babel | Auriga Capella | Kerberos Dante | Crow Jamian | Hound Asterion | Whale Moses ("Kaitos Moses" in the anime) | Cepheus Daidalos | Perseus Algol | Musca Dio | Canis Major Sirius | Hercules Algethi | Eagle Marin | Ophiuchus Shaina | Lyra Orphée | Sagitta Tramy

Tarantula Arachne | Lotus Agora | Pavo Shiva

Gold Saints

Aries Mu | Aries Shion | Taurus Aldebaran | Gemini Saga | Gemini Kanon | Cancer Deathmask | Leo Aiolia | Virgo Shaka | Libra Dohko | Scorpio Milo | Sagittarius Aiolos | Capricorn Shura | Aquarius Camus | Pisces Aphrodite

Asgard God Warriors

Phecda Gamma Thor | Alioth Epsilon Fenrir | Benetnasch Eta Mime | Megrez Delta Alberich | Merak Beta Hagen | Mizar Zeta Syd | Alcor Zeta Bud | Dubhe Alpha Siegfried

Poseidon's Marinas

Sea Horse Baian | Scylla Io | Chrysaor Krishna | Lymnades Casa | Kraken Isaac | Siren Sorento | Sea Dragon Kanon

Mermaid Tetis

Hades' Specters

Wyvern Rhadamanthys | Griffin Minos | Garuda Aiacos

Papillon Myu | Deep Niobe | Worm Raimi

Acheron Charon | Balron Lune | Sphinx Pharaoh | Lycaon Phlegyas | Basilisk Sylphid | Harpy Valentine

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