Cao Shuang

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Cao Shuang (曹爽) was the son of Cao Zhen, a famous commander of the Kingdom of Wei during the Three Kingdoms period. He initially held great power in the kingdom of Wei as the Grand Commander but later, he lost his power to Sima Yi and was executed on charges of treason.

Cao Shuang and his brothers, Cao Xi and Cao Xun wielded great power in the Kingdom of Wei, and he was often at conflict with Sima Yi. Cao Shuang's had greater authority than Sima Yi, so he persuaded the emperor, Cao Fang, to promote Sima Yi to the rank of Imperial Guardian, which actually meant that Sima was in an honorary postion and was left without any real political authority.

Sima later retired and pretended to be ill and senile. Cao Shuang sent Li Sheng to check on Sima Yi and was overjoyed when Li reported that Sima Yi was indeed ill and dying, that he could not even hear clearly what he said.

Cao Shuang sensed that Sima Yi no longer posed a threat to him and drew his attention away from Sima. Later, when Cao Shuang and his brothers left the capital city on a hunting expedition, Sima Yi and his sons launched a coup d'etat and seized control of the capital city. Sima went to see the Empress Dowager, requesting her to give an order to arrest Cao Shuang and his brothers on charges of treason.

Huan Fan, an advisor of Cao Shuang, escaped with the seal signifying the power of Grand Commander and brought it to Cao Shuang. Cao Shuang was in a dilenma, unsure whether to surrender his power or not. Cao Shuang's family and loved ones were in Sima Yi's control, and Sima Yi promised that Cao Shuang would not be harmed, as Sima was only after Cao's power. Eventually, Cao Shuang agreed to surrender and give up his power. Once having gained power, Sima Yi had Cao Shuang and his brothers arrested on charges of treason, then had them executed.