Wikipedia:Canadian wikipedians' notice board/Dictionary of Canadian Biography/G

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Lists of people with entries in the Dictionary of Canadian Biography. [1]
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[edit] Ga

  • Marie-Anne Gaboury - verified
  • Albine Gadbois
  • Joseph-Pierre Gadbois
  • Jacques Gadois
  • Pierre Gadois
  • Pierre Gadoys
  • James Gage - verified
  • Thomas Gage - verified
  • John Boles Gaggin
  • Malvina Gagné
  • Antoine Gagnon
  • Aurore Gagnon - verified
  • Charles-Antoine-Ernest Gagnon
  • Ernest Gagnon
  • Ferdinand Gagnon
  • Lucien Gagnon
  • Mathurin Gagnon
  • Philéas Gagnon
  • Guillaume Gaillard
  • Mathieu Gaillard
  • Jean-François de Galaup, Comte de Lapérouse
  • Alexander Gale
  • Samuel Gale (1747-1826)
  • Samuel Gale (1783-1865)
  • François de Galiffet de Caffin
  • Pinquin Gallant
  • Charlotte Gallard
  • Guillaume Galleran
  • William Gallop
  • Elliott Torrance Galt
  • John Galt - verified
  • Sir Alexander Tilloch Galt - verified
  • Louis Gamache
  • James Gambier, 1st Baron Gambier - verified
  • John William Gamble - verified
  • William Gamble - verified
  • Michel Gamelain de la Fontaine
  • Pierre Gamelin Maugras
  • Ignace Gamelin (1663-1739)
  • Ignace Gamelin (1698-1771)
  • Pierre Gamelin
  • Pierre-Joseph Gamelin
  • Catherine Gandeacteua
  • François Ganet
  • Louis de Gannes de Falaise
  • Michel de Gannes de Falaise
  • Gilbert White Ganong - verified
  • Daniel Garakontié
  • George Garden
  • Nicolas Gargot de la Rochette
  • Charles Garland
  • George Garland
  • Thomas Garland
  • Édouard-Burroughs Garneau
  • François-Xavier Garneau - verified
  • Pierre Garneau
  • Charles Garnier - verified
  • Constant Garnier
  • John Hutchison Garnier
  • Julien Garnier
  • Léonard Garreau
  • Pierre Garreau
  • Freeborn Garrettson
  • Nicholas Garry
  • William Garvie
  • René Gaschet
  • Léocadie Gascoin
  • John Gaskin
  • Marie-Joseph-Eugène-Alphonse Gasté
  • Jean-Baptiste Gastineau Duplessis
  • Joseph-Narcisse Gastonguay
  • Horatio Gates (businessman)
  • Félix Gatien
  • Juliana Horatia Gatty
  • Louis Gaudais-Dupont
  • Françoise Gaudé
  • Joseph Gaudet - verified
  • Charles-René Gaudron de Chevremont
  • Julie Gaudry
  • Valérien Gaufin
  • Friedrich Gaukel
  • Antoine Gaulin
  • Rémi Gaulin - verified
  • Andrew Frederick Gault
  • Mathew Hamilton Gault
  • Philippe Gaultier de Comporté
  • Pierre Gaultier de la Vérendrye de Boumois - verified
  • Jean-Baptiste Gaultier de la Vérendrye - verified
  • Louis-Joseph Gaultier de La Vérendrye - verified
  • Pierre Gaultier de Varennes et de la Vérendrye - verified
  • Jacques-René Gaultier de Varennes
  • Jean-Baptiste Gaultier de Varennes
  • René Gaultier de Varennes - verified
  • François Gaultier Du Tremblay - verified
  • Jean-François Gaultier
  • Amable Gauthier
  • Félix-Odilon Gauthier
  • Marie-Angèle Gauthier
  • Joseph-Nicolas Gautier
  • Nicolas Gautier
  • Siméon Gautron
  • Antoine Gauvreau
  • Ferdinand-Edmond Gauvreau
  • Louis Gauvreau - verified
  • Pierre Gauvreau (architect) [2]
  • Gawèhe
  • Jean-Baptiste de Gay Desenclaves
  • James Gay
  • Jean-Marie Gay
  • Robert-Michel Gay

[edit] Ge

  • Charlotte Anne Geddie
  • John Geddie (1815-72)
  • John Geddie (d. 1843)
  • Évariste Gélinas
  • Molly Ann Gell
  • François Genaple de Bellefonds
  • Edmond Gendreau
  • François Gendron
  • Pierre-Samuel Gendron - verified
  • Christophe-Alphonse Geoffrion - verified
  • Félix Geoffrion - verified
  • Louis Geoffroy (priest) [3]
  • David George (preacher)
  • James George
  • Séraphin Georgemé
  • Elzéar Gérin
  • Antoine Gérin-Lajoie - verified
  • Césaire Germain
  • Charles Germain
  • Joseph-Louis Germain
  • Samuel Gerrard
  • Robert Gerrie
  • Benjamin Gerrish
  • Joseph Gerrish
  • Moses Gerrish
  • Gualbert Gervais
  • Louis Gervaise
  • Abraham Gesner - verified
  • George Geyer

[edit] Gi

  • Antoine Giard
  • Louis Giard
  • Pierre Gibault
  • Benaiah Gibb
  • James Gibb
  • Richard Gibbons
  • Simon Thomas Gibbons
  • Sir George Christie Gibbons
  • William Gibbons (explorer)
  • Mifflin Wistar Gibbs - verified
  • Thomas Nicholson Gibbs - verified
  • Alexander Gibson (businessman)
  • David Gibson - verified
  • John Arthur Gibson
  • Sir John Gibsone
  • Angus Morrison Gidney
  • Robert Giffard de Moncel
  • Marie-Françoise Giffard
  • George-Auguste Gigault
  • Sir Humphrey Gilbert - verified
  • Frederick Charles Gilchrist
  • John Gilchrist (politician) - verified
  • Henry Gildersleeve
  • Overton Smith Gildersleeve
  • David Gilkison
  • William Gilkison
  • Charles Gill
  • Ignace Gill - verified
  • Joseph-Louis Gill
  • Margaret Catharine Gill
  • Michael Gill (mariner) [4]
  • Benjamin Gillam
  • Zachariah Gillam
  • George Gillespie (merchant)
  • Robert Gillespie (merchant) [5]
  • Arthur Hill Gillmor
  • George Gillmore
  • Thomas Gilmore
  • Allan Gilmour (1775-1849)
  • Allan Gilmour (1805-84)
  • Allan Gilmour (1816-95)
  • John Gilmour (businessman)
  • Edwin Gilpin
  • John Bernard Gilpin
  • Édouard Gingras
  • Léon Gingras
  • Louis Gingras
  • Jacques Girard
  • Marc-Amable Girard - verified
  • Gilbert Prout Girdwood
  • Amury Girod
  • Antoine Girouard
  • Désiré Girouard - verified
  • Gilbert-Anselme Girouard
  • Jean-Joseph Girouard - verified
  • André-Raphaël Giroux
  • Hubert Girroir
  • Simon Girty - verified
  • Frederic Newton Gisborne
  • James Givins

[edit] Gl

  • Frederick Glackemeyer
  • Louis-Édouard Glackmeyer
  • George Gladman
  • Henry Gladwin - verified
  • Charles de Glandelet
  • Augustin-Louis de Glapion
  • George Glasgow
  • Beamsley Perkins Glasier
  • John Glasier - verified
  • Samuel Gledhill
  • Thomas Glen
  • James Glenie
  • John Glenn (Alberta) - verified
  • Glikhikan
  • Francesco Glionna
  • Hortense Globensky
  • Maximilien Globensky
  • Robert Glockling
  • Charles Glode
  • Gabriel Glode
  • Jean Gloria
  • Sir John Hawley Glover - verified

[edit] Go

  • Charles Edward Goad
  • Jean Gobin
  • Daniel-Maurice Godefroy de Linctot
  • Jean Godefroy de Lintot
  • Michel Godefroy de Lintot
  • Thomas Godefroy de Normanville
  • Jean-Amador Godefroy de Saint-Paul
  • Charles-Antoine Godefroy de Tonnancour (1698-1757)
  • Charles-Antoine Godefroy de Tonnancour (1755-98)
  • Joseph-Marie Godefroy de Tonnancour - verified
  • Léonard Godefroy de Tonnancour - verified
  • Louis-Joseph Godefroy de Tonnancour
  • René Godefroy de Tonnancour
  • Jacques Godefroy de Vieuxpont
  • Joseph Godefroy de Vieuxpont
  • Jean-Paul Godefroy
  • Claude de Godet Des Maretz
  • Rolland Godet
  • George Godfrey (boxer)
  • Henry Herbert Godfrey
  • Joseph Godin
  • John Goessman
  • Fade Goff
  • Edmund Goffe
  • Denis Goguet
  • Pierre-André Gohin, Comte de Montreuil
  • Thomas Goldie
  • Oliver Goldsmith (Canadian writer)
  • Benjamin Goldthwait
  • Estevão Gomes
  • Peter Gonish
  • Louis Gonnet
  • Gonsales João
  • Dominique-Ceslas Gonthier
  • James Good (manufacturer) [6]
  • George Gooderham
  • William Gooderham (1824-89)
  • William Gooderham (1790-1881)
  • James Goodfellow
  • George Jervis Goodhue
  • Albert Goodwin - verified
  • Hedley John Goodyear
  • Andrew Robertson Gordon
  • Arthur Hamilton Gordon, 1st Baron Stanmore - verified
  • Daniel Gordon (politician) [7]
  • Edward John Gordon
  • George Nicol Gordon
  • James Douglas Gordon
  • John Gordon (1792-1869)
  • John Gordon (1828-82)
  • Lord Gordon Gordon
  • Wilhelmina Gordon
  • Francis Gore - verified
  • Sir Charles Stephen Gore - verified
  • Joseph Goreham
  • John Gorham (merchant) [8]
  • Lawrence Gorman
  • Charles Wilson Farran Gorrell
  • James Gorrell
  • Thomas Gorst
  • William Gilbert Gosling
  • Philip Henry Gosse - verified
  • Auguste-Honoré Gosselin
  • Clément Gosselin
  • Jean-Baptiste Gosselin
  • Léon Gosselin
  • Scholastique Gosselin
  • William Gossip
  • Robert-David Gotteville de Belile
  • John Goudie
  • Suzanne Gouentagrandi
  • Charles Henry Gould
  • Joseph Gould - verified
  • Elzéar Goulet
  • René Goupil - verified
  • Jacques Gourdeau de Beaulieu et de la Grossardière
  • Robert Fleming Gourlay - verified
  • Jessie Winnifred Gourlie
  • François-Marie de Goutin
  • Mathieu de Goutin
  • Peter Gow - verified
  • Ogle Robert Gowan - verified
  • Robert Gowan
  • Sir James Robert Gowan
  • Sir Erasmus Gower - verified
  • Olivier Goyer

[edit] Gr

  • Thomas Grace (priest)
  • James Beatty Grafton
  • Aaron Graham
  • Andrew Graham (naturalist) - verified
  • Harvey Graham
  • Hugh Graham (clergyman)
  • James Elliot Graham
  • John Hamilton Graham
  • Sir Wallace Nesbit Graham
  • James Allan Grahame
  • Vital-Justin Grandin - verified
  • Éléonore de Grandmaison
  • Flavien Granger
  • Alexander Grant - verified
  • Colin P Grant
  • Cuthbert Grant (d. 1799)
  • Cuthbert Grant (d. 1854)
  • George Monro Grant - verified
  • James Grant (fur trader)
  • Peter Grant (fur trader)
  • Sir William Grant - verified
  • Thomas Hunter Grant
  • Walter Colquhoun Grant
  • William Grant (1743-1810) - verified
  • William Grant (1744-1805) - verified
  • Henry James Grasett
  • Michael Grass
  • André Grasset de Saint-Sauveur
  • Henri-François Gravé de la Rive
  • François Gravé Du Pont
  • Robert Gravé
  • Elphège Gravel
  • Louis-Pierre Gravel
  • Charles Blondin Gravelet
  • Howard Douglas Graves
  • Mary Elizabeth Graves
  • Thomas Graves, 1st Baron Graves - verified
  • Jacques Gravier
  • Gray Lock
  • Benjamin Gerrish Gray
  • Edward William Gray
  • Henry Robert Gray
  • John Gray - verified
  • John Hamilton Gray (1814-89)
  • John Hamilton Gray (1811-1887) - verified
  • John William Dering Gray
  • Ralph Gray (politician) - verified
  • Robert Gray (1755-1806)
  • Robert Gray (d. 1828)
  • Robert Isaac Dey Gray - verified
  • John Graydon
  • Charles Frederick Grece
  • Horace Greeley - verified
  • Anson Green
  • Bartholomew Green (printer) - verified
  • Benjamin Green
  • Francis Green (author) [9]
  • Frederick William Green
  • George Everitt Green
  • James Green (army officer) [10]
  • William Green (1787-1832)
  • William Green (fl. 1783-1833)
  • Minerva Margaret Greenaway
  • Edward Black Greenshields
  • Thomas Greenway - verified
  • William Greenwood (mariner) [11]
  • John Gregory (1806-61)
  • John Gregory (d. 1817)
  • Jacques Grenier
  • Albert Henry George Grey, 4th Earl Grey - verified
  • William Grey
  • Claude Greysolon de la Tourette
  • Daniel Greysolon Dulhut - verified
  • Richard Gridley - verified
  • Ferdinand Griebel
  • Rose Jane Elizabeth Grier
  • Walter Grieve
  • Jane Griffin (Lady Franklin) - verified
  • William Henry Griffin
  • John Griffith (artisan) [12]
  • William Grigor
  • François-Claude-Victor Grillot de Poilly
  • Michael Grimington (fl. 1698-1719)
  • Michael Grimington (d. 1710)
  • Antoine Grisé
  • Pierre-Henri Grollier
  • Louis Groston de Saint-Ange et de Bellerive
  • Robert Groston de Saint-Ange
  • John Frederick Traugott Gschwind

[edit] Gu

Lists of people with entries in the Dictionary of Canadian Biography. [15]
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