Caniapiscau, Quebec

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Caniapiscau was a temporary worksite opened in 1974 for workers involved in the construction of the dams and floodgates of the Caniapiscau Reservoir in northern Quebec, Canada. The reservoir was built as part of the James Bay Project that gave rise to the La Grande hydroelectric complex.

Accessible only by air from 1974 to 1976, when a temporary landing strip was cleared on a nearby frozen lake, by an ice road from James Bay from 1977 to 1979 and, since late 1979, by the 666 km long Route Transtaïga (Trans-Taiga Road) which branches off the Route de la Baie James (James Bay Road). The worksite was closed after construction ended towards 1984. The 84 kilometres between Caniapiscau and Brisay is not recommended for other than four-wheel drive due to large rocks on the coarse-gravel surface.

The site is now used by an outfitter (fishing and caribou hunting).

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