Canadian Senate seating plan

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This is a graphical representation of the seating plan of the Canadian Senate. Each square represents a seat, and the last name and province of the senator who occupies that seat is written in the square. Senators with the initials "PC" after their name are members of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada. The squares are coloured to show the Party standings in the Canadian Senate

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[edit] Graphic

  • Pink indicates that a Senator is designated as Liberal while not being a member of the Liberal caucus.
    • While Senator Dyck is designated as an NDP Senator, she is not a member of the NDP caucus.
**** **** * * Phalen (N.S.) Moore (N.S.) * Day (N.B.) Banks (Alta.) * Losier-Cool (N.B.) Bryden (N.B.) * Corbin (N.B.) Mahovlich (Ont.) * Poulin (Ont.) Poy (Ont.) * Cook (N.L.) Massicote (Qué.) * Sibbeston (N.W.T.) Baker, P.C. (N.L) * Dawson (Qué.) Biron (Qué.) * Lovelace Nicholas (N.B.) vacant
Pitfield, P.C. (Ont.) Downe (P.E.I.) * * Kenny (Ont.) Furey (N.L.) * Dallaire (Qué.) Callbeck (P.E.I.) * Fitzpatrick (B.C) Grafstein (Ont.) * Stollery (Ont.) Pépin (Qué.) * vacant Whip, Cowan (N.S.) * Milne (Ont.) Gill (Qué.) * Ringuette (N.B.) Cordy (N.S.) * vacant Jaffer (B.C.) * Harb (Ont.) Lavigne (Qué.)*
**** **** * * **** **** * Bacon (Qué.) Robichaud, P.C. (N.B.) * Joyal, P.C. (Qué.) Fairbairn, P.C. (Alta.) * Carstairs, P.C. (Man.) Hays, P.C. (Alta.) * Opposition Leader, Hervieux-Payette, P.C. (Qué.) Deputy Leader, Tardif (Alta.) * Fraser, (Qué.) Rompkey, P.C. (N.L.) * Fox, P.C. (Qué.) De Bané, P.C. (Qué.) * Smith, P.C. (Ont.) Eggleton, P.C. (Ont.) * Adams (Nunavut) Watt (Qué.)
Speaker Noël A. Kinsella
**** **** * * **** **** * Murray, P.C. (Ont.) Carney, P.C. (B.C.) * Champagne, P.C. (Qué.) St. Germain, P.C. (B.C.) * Cochrane (N.L.) Fortier, P.C. (Qué.) * Government Leader, LeBreton, P.C. (Ont.) Deputy Leader, Comeau (N.S.) * Oliver (N.S.) Di Nino (Ont.) * Prud'homme, P.C. (Qué.) Cools (Ont.) * Mitchell (Alta.) Hubley (P.E.I.) * Trenholme Counsell (N.B.) Lapointe (Qué.)
**** **** * * vacant vacant * Atkins (Ont.) Spivak (Man.) * vacant Segal (Ont.) * Keon (Ont.) Meighen (Ont.) * Tkachuk (Sask.) Whip, Stratton (Man.) * Johnson (Man.) Nolin (Qué.) * vacant Campbell (B.C.) * Chaput (Man.) Merchant (Sask.) * vacant Zimmer (Man.) *
**** **** * * **** **** * vacant McCoy (Alta.) * Rivest (Qué.) vacant * vacant Gustafson (Sask.) * Eyton (Ont.) Angus (Qué.) * Andreychuk (Sask.) Nancy Ruth (Ont.) * Munson (Ont.) Mercer (N.S.) * Peterson (Sask.) Goldstein (Qué.) * vacant Dyck (Sask.)** *