Canadian Electroacoustic Community

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Founded in 1986, La Communauté électroacoustique canadienne / The Canadian Electroacoustic Community (CEC) is Canada’s national electroacoustic / computer music / sonic arts organization (as recognized by the Confédération Internationale de Musique Électroacoustique [CIME]), with members in over 20 countries.

Among the objectives, as written in the Bylaws of the corporation, are the “support, development, production, distribution of information, materials, works… for the ea/cm community in Canada… with continuing special concern for the younger generation of individuals and women in this community. The CEC recognizes and supports the principle of sexual equality, and also, the equal status of English and French.”


[edit] Projects

In 1997–98, the CEC published the first four issues of its webjournal eContact!, with articles, reviews, and sound files of composers and writers from within Canada and from around the world. Since then, the CEC has continued to publish four issues per year, each addressing a particular theme or subject. Each issue explores and presents its theme through articles, reviews, interviews, sound files, video clips and a variety of media according to the needs of the individual issue.

Jeu de Temps / Times Play (JTTP) was launched in 2000. This annual project comprises a competition for Canadian-based young and emerging sound artists, an issue of eContact! featuring all submissions for the project, and a CD compilation “Cache” of the top 8–11 placing works, as well as radio and concert play for the winners. The Cache CD is distributed internationally to people and institutions active in the production and support of electroacoustics (CEC members, radio programmes and stations, concert promoters and various important cultural organizations). Several of the top-placing participants in past editions have gone on to win prizes in other renowned electroacoustic competitions, such as Bourges, Métamorphoses and the SOCAN Foundation Awards.

In addition to the CD component of JTTP, Productions electro Productions (PeP), the arms-length production team of the CEC, has produced a number of other electroacoustic compilation CDs, including DISContact! II, highlighting works by CEC members, and the PRESENCE series.

In 2004, the electroacoustic “Jukebox” SONUS was launched. By March 2007, SONUS has grown to contain 1800+ works having as diverse a character as the field of electroacoustics itself: established composers, young and emerging composers, experimental works, soundscape and acoustic ecology and much more are featured.

[edit] The CEC and the International Community

The CEC maintains close ties with internationally-based sister organizations, such as the UK’s Sonic Arts Network (SAN), the Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the US (SEAMUS), Australasian Computer Music Association (ACMA) and others. For example, the 2003 JTTP project involved a collaboration between the CEC and SAN, whereby the competition, normally open only to Canadian young and emerging sound artists, accepted submissions by Canadian and UK participants. The resulting CD compilation, Cache 2003, contains one CD of works by Canadian artists, and one by UK artists.

[edit] People

[edit] Canadian composers

[edit] Other persons

[edit] Other International Electroacoustic Organisations

  • ACMA — Australasian Computer Music Association
  • CIME/ICEM — Confédération Internationale de Musique Electroacoustique / International Confederation of Electroacoustic Music
  • DeGeM — Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektroakustische Musik e.V. (Germany)
  • DIEM — Danish Institute of Electroacoustic Music
  • EMS — Elektroakustisk Musik i Sverige (Sweden)
  • GRM — Groupe de Recherche Musicales (France)
  • ICMA — International Computer Music Association
  • INA — Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (France)
  • IRCAM — Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique (France)
  • NEAR — Netherlands Electro-Acoustic Repertoire Centre
  • NOTAM — Norsk nettverk for Teknologi, Akustikk og Musikk
  • SANSonic Arts Network (UK)
  • SEAMUSSociety for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

  • CEC — Communauté électroacoustique canadienne / Canadian Electroacoustic Community
  • SONUS — Online listening library (jukebox) of electroacoustic works

[edit] Voir aussi