Canadian Amateur Musicians

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CAMMAC is an acronym for Canadian Amateur Musicians/Musiciens Amateurs du Canada. It is a nonprofit organization supporting amateur music making at all ages and levels through two summer music camps (CAMMAC Lake MacDonald in the Laurentians northwest of Montreal, and the CAMMAC Ontario Music Centre at the Lakefield College School in the Kawartha Lakes area of Ontario). CAMMAC also operates several regional chapters across Canada, including Montreal, Toronto, Quebec, Halifax and Ottawa. The Music Centres offer individual weeks of classes and music-making opportunities for adults and children, nine summer weeks at Lake MacDonald and in different years two or three weeks at the CAMMAC Ontario Music Centre in Lakefield. At the music centres, the different weeks emphasise different kinds of music. The regions support a variety of music making throughout the year, including, in different regions, monthly choral readings, orchestral performances, and specialized groups such as madrigal singing, jazz band, chamber music workshops, recorder ensembles, and the like.

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