Campo Alegre de Goiás

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Campo Alegre de Goiás is a small town and municipality in southeastern Goiás state, Brazil. It is the largest producer of coffee in the state and an important producer of soybeans, corn, and wheat.

  • Population: 4,523 (2005 estimate)
  • Total area: 2,459 km²
  • Elevation: 877 meters
  • Became a municipality: 1953
  • Average annual temperature: 26 °C.
  • Postal code: 75795-000

Campo Alegre is located in the Catalão Microregion. It is 326 km. from the state capital, Goiânia and is connected by BR-352 / Bela Vista de Goiás / Cristianópolis / GO-020 / Pires do Rio / GO-330 / Ipameri / Catalão / BR-050. [1]

It has boundaries with Catalão (south), Ipameri (north and east), and Paracatu (east).

Demographic and political data

  • Population density in 2003: 1,84 inhab/km²
  • Population growth rate 1991/2000: -0,02.%
  • Population in 1980: 4,386
  • Population in 1991: 4,536
  • Urban population in 2003: 3,057
  • Rural population in 2003: 1,469
  • Households in 2000: 1,335
  • Households earning less than 01 minimum salary in 2000: 351
  • Eligible voters in 2004: 3,379
  • City government in 2005: mayor (José Lourenço Peixoto), vice-mayor (Luiz Manteiga Alvares de Campos), and 09 councilmembers


The economy is based on agriculture, with important plantations of coffee, soybeans, wheat, corn, and cattle raising. There are also extensive plantations of eucalytus, which is used to make charcoal and transported to the metallurgy industries of the Belo Horizonte industrial belt.

Economic data

  • GDP in 2003: R$95.273 million
  • GDP per capita in 2003: 21,055 (three times the state average)
  • Industrial establishments in 2005: 13
  • Retail establishments in 2005: 76
  • Financial institutions in 2005: Banco Itaú, Banco do Brasil
  • Automobiles in 2004: 577

Animal production in 2004

  • Cattle: 66,300
  • Dairy cows: 7,500
  • Poultry: 27,100
  • Swine: 2,720

Main agricultural products

  • Cotton: 40 kmª / 10,452 tons
  • Garlic: 1.5 kmª / 1,800 tons
  • Rice: 5 kmª / 900 tons
  • Potatoes: 1.2 kmª / 6,000 tons
  • Coffee: 7 kmª / 1,596 tons (the largest in the state)
  • Beans: 13 kmª / 2,910 tons (2 harvests)
  • Corn: 55 kmª / 38,500 tons
  • Soybeans: 550 kmª / 176,000 tons
  • Wheat: 6 kmª / 3,000 tons


  • Infant mortality rate in 2000: 14.32
  • Public health clinics in 2003: 03
  • Hospitals in 2003: 01 with 18 beds


  • Literacy rate in 2000: 89.4
  • Schools in 2005: 09
  • Classrooms: 42
  • Teachers: 79
  • Students: 1,735
  • Higher education: none in 2005

Three rivers cross the municipality: Rio Veríssimo, Rio São Marcos and Rio Pirapitinga.

Campo Alegre is a prosperous town and has a relatively high standard of living. On the United Nations Human Development Index Campo Alegre had a rating of 0.802,which ranked it 9 out of a total of 242 municipalities in the state of Goiás. Nationally it was ranked 532 out of 5,507 municipalities. (All data are from 2000.) For the complete list see [2]

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