Campaigns of Pharaoh and Cleopatra

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Campaigns of Pharaoh and Cleopatra refer to missions which must be played in the game of the same name.

[edit] Pharaoh campaigns

Era Rank Peaceful assignment Military assignment Start Year Reigning Pharaoh Primary Goal
Predynastic Period Village Elder Nubt (Naqada) 3500 BC None Establish the first Egyptian village in history
Thinis 3100 BC Thinnite Nobles Establish a local capitol in Lower Egypt
Perwadjyt (Buto) 3050 BC Thinnite Confederacy Discover irrigation and inundation methods
Archaic Period Village Noble Nekhen (Hierakonpolis) 3000 BC Narmer Build a city to unify Egypt
Men-nefer (Memphis) 2900 BC Hor-Aha Build the first Egyptian capitol
Royal Scholar Timna 2850 BC Den Build a mining military outpost
Abedju (Abydos) Behdet (Apollinopolis) 2685 BC Khasekhemwy Establish the first Egyptian Navy
Old Kingdom Royal Scribe Abu (Elephantine) Selima Oasis 2650 BC Nebka Establish a rich trading center/Build a military outpost
Royal Judge Saqqara 2630 BC Djoser Build the Stepped Pyramid
Royal Mayor Meidum Serabit Khadim 2600 BC Huni Build a royal burial complex/Reconquer a lost military outpost
South Dahshur Buhen 2575 BC Sneferu Build the Bent Pyramid/Expand Egypt might to Nubia
Royal Governor North Dahshur 2563 BC Sneferu Build the first True Pyramid
On (Heliopolis) Iunet (Dendera) 2551 BC Khufu Build a Limestone and Ivory Trading Post/Defend against the Kushite
Rostja (Giza) 2508 BC Khufu Build the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx
Djedu (Abusir) Bahariya Oasis 2465 BC Userkaf Build the first Sun Temple/Fortify the west against Libya
Nomarch - - - - -
Chancellor Dakhla Oasis Dunqul Oasis 2246 BC Pepy Build a trading outpost/Defend against Kush invaders
Middle Kingdom Vizier Waset (Thebes) Thinis 2216 - 2215 BC Inyotef Clan Establish a new capitol/Rebuild an ancient city
Menat Khufu (Beni Hassan) Kebet (Coptos) 1952 - 1951 BC Mentuhotep Establish a new city following the end of civil war/Fortify the empire against rouge and disloyal cities
Pharaoh * Itjtawy 1880 BC Senusret III Build a new capitol of Egypt
Sawu (Mersa Gawasis) Iken (Mirgissa) 1800 BC Sobekhotep Build a dynastic mausoleum/Fortify the Nubian border
Bubastis Heh (Semna) 1710 BC Merneferre Ai Build the grandest and largest city in Egypt/Drive out Nubians invaders
New Kingdom Sauty (Lykopolis) Khmun (Hermopolis) 1541 BC Ahmose I Build a command center to drive out the Nubians and Hyksos/Rebuild a conquered city
Baki (Kuban) Byblos 1480 - 1479 BC Thutmose II Build a stately new city/Fortify the Hittite border
Hetepsenusret (Kahun) Rowarty (Avaris) 1372 - 1279 BC Amenhotep III Build a grand dynasty city/Defeat the Sea People
* Name of character as the Pharaoh
Upon obtaining the rank of Pharaoh, the player's character name becomes the name of the reigning Pharaoh instead of the historical Pharaoh's name being used. The Pharaohs listed in the above table are those which would have actually reigned during the years when the missions are set with the character as the Pharaoh.

[edit] Cleopatra campaigns

Cleopatra continues the Pharaoh story with missions entirely set within the New Kingdom. The missions are divided into several campaigns, each focusing on a different aspect of the New Kingdom from tomb building in the Valley of the Kings, the exploits of Ramesses II, to the fall of Egypt in the 1st century BC.

Certain Cleopatra missions also allow the carry-over of troops and monuments from mission into another. Unlike the missions in Pharaoh, the ranks of Cleopatra are not successive and the rank of Pharaoh is held as the historical character instead of the family name of the character. The first Cleopatra missions are also set during the time period of either before or during the last missions of the main Pharaoh game.

Campaign Rank Assignment Start Year Reigning Pharaoh Primary Goal
Valley of the Kings
(Deir el-Medina)
Royal Mayor Thutmose in the Valley 1490 BC Thutmose I Build the Tomb of Thutmose I
Royal Governor Tut in the Valley 1325 BC Ay Build the Tomb of King Tut
Seti in the Valley 1290 BC Seti I Build the Tomb of Seti I
Ramses II Sumer 1300 BC Ramses II Construct a frontier fort in Lebanon
Pharoah Qadesh 1277 BC Ramses II Defeat the Hittites under Mutwatalli
Royal Mayor Abu Simbel 1270 BC Ramses II Construct the monument of Abu Simbel
Royal Governor Ramses in the Valley 1250 BC Ramses II Build the Tomb of Ramses II while
avoiding the Ten Plagues of Moses
Ancient Conquerors Royal Judge Piyer 1235 BC Merneptah Defend against the Sea People and the Libyans
Royal Mayor Migdol (Pelusium) 677 BC Taharqa Defeat attacks from the Assyrians
Royal Governor Tanis 395 BC Achoris Rebuild Egypt's Navy following
a long occupation by Persia
Cleopatra's Capitol Royal Mayor Alexandria 331 BC Alexander the Great Found the capitol of Alexander
Pharaoh Ptolemy's Alexandria 305 BC Ptolemy I Build the Great Library and Lighthouse of Alexandria
Village Noble Maritis 50 BC Cleopatra VII Defeat the forces of Ptolemy XIII
Pharaoh Cleopatra's Alexandria 40 BC Cleopatra VII Expand Alexandria and build the Caesareum
Actium 35 BC Cleopatra VII Defeat the forces of Octavian