Campaign for America's Future

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Campaign for America's Future is an American non-profit for progressive ideas and action. The Campaign advances a progressive economic agenda and a vision of the future. Its issues of focus include: the environment, energy & health care reform, social security, education and congressional accountability. The Campaign is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization. It often serves as a counter argument to the Democratic Leadership Council [DLC]. The DLC argues for centrism while CAF argues that the Democratic Party should take principled progressive/populist/liberal stands on issues such as corporate power and Iraq War.

The Campaign has a sister organization called Institute for America's Future which is a 501(c)(3) non-political thinktank that distributes reports, gathers and processes information, and does analysis.

[edit] Summary of Campaigns

In November-December, 2005, Campaign for America's Future raised money to reserve a billboard within a mile of Wal-Mart's headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas. It was to be a protest against the company's business practices that said, "Wal-Mart: Killing Local Businesses One Main Street at a Time." However, Clear Channel's division president, Bob Sadler, decided to reject their ad, explaining:

"I wish I could offer objective guidelines for reviewing copy, but I can't. Frankly, I think these kinds of issues need to be viewed the way Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart approached a very controversial pornography case many years ago: 'You know it when you see it.'" The organization believes that this censorship was motivated by a right-wing, pro-business bias.

[edit] External links