Camp Grant

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Camp Grant was a U.S. Army facility located in the southern outskirts of Rockford, Illinois named in honor of General Ulysses S. Grant. Camp Grant, which at one point consisted of over 18,000 acres, was in operation from 1917 to the late 1940's.

panoramic view of Camp Grant
panoramic view of Camp Grant

[edit] World War I

aerial shot of Camp Grant
aerial shot of Camp Grant

Established in 1917, Camp Grant saw its first draftees arrive in September of that year. Primarily a location for training infantry, it became one of the largest military training facilities during World War I. The U.S. 86th Infantry Division (Black Hawk Division) of the National Guard was trained here,but never served as a Division in combat during World War One. The 172d Infantry Brigade was organized at Camp Grant. It is worth noting that in 1918 the Great Influenza Pandemic took the lives of 1,400 soldiers at Camp Grant between the 23rd of September and the 1st of October. Camp Grant was closed as a U.S. Army facility by December 1923, but in January,1924 was turned over to the Illinois National Guard. The inter-war period also saw Camp Grant used by the Civilian Conservation Corps between 1933 and 1935.

[edit] World War II

In October of 1940 Camp Grant was re-activated as an induction center, being transferred by Illinois back to the Federal government. Physical exams and medical training post for draftees was the main focus, although a fair number of personnel went through Camp Grant for their Army basic training. It is estimated that 100,000 medical corpsmen were trained at the camp. During the war Camp Grant also served as a POW detention center, employing upwards of 6,000 civilians, boosting Rockford's economy. It is estimated there were 2,500 POWs in the camp. After the war Camp Grant also served as a separation center for returning GIs.

Camp Grant
Camp Grant

[edit] Post War

In 1946 Camp Grant closed permenantly and a significant portion of it became the Greater Rockford Airport (much later to be renamed the Chicago-Rockford International Airport). For a few short years after the war the barracks buildings of Camp Grant were converted into make-shift apartments. These 'homes' were utilized by returning GIs that had young families. By the late 1940's many of Camp Grant's buildings were torn down and residents moved out. In the 1950's much of the remaining camp land was in the possession of Seth B. Atwood, who would later donate former Camp Grant rifle range to the Rockford Park District, who would name it the Seth Atwood Park. (for further information about Camp Grant, refer to the book CAMP GRANT by Gregory S. Jacobs)