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The coat of Arms of the Camerlengo where featured on the euro coins issued after pope John Paul's death and before the ascedence of pope Benedict
The coat of Arms of the Camerlengo where featured on the euro coins issued after pope John Paul's death and before the ascedence of pope Benedict

The title Camerlengo (Italian for "Chamberlain") refers to an official of the Papal court---either the Chamberlain of the Roman Church, the Chamberlain of the Sacred College of Cardinals, or any of various lesser dignitaries.


[edit] Chamberlain of the Roman Church

The Chamberlain of the Roman Church is the administrator of the property and revenues of the Holy See; his responsibilities formerly included the fiscal administration of the Patrimony of St. Peter. The Camerlengo is usually a Cardinal, although it is possible for any ordained Catholic priest to serve in the role of Camerlengo. His heraldic arms are ornamented with two gold and silver keys in saltire surmounted by an ombrellino, a canopy or umbrella of alternating red and yellow stripes, which are also the arms of a Sede Vacante (i.e., a Papal interregnum).

Until the 11th century, the Archdeacon of the Roman Church was responsible for the administration of the property of the Church (i.e., the Diocese of Rome), but its numerous ancient privileges and rights had come to make it a frequent hindrance to independent action on the part of the Pope; as a result, when the last Archdeacon, Cardinal Hildebrand (St. Gregorius PP. VII), was elected to the Pontificate in 1073, he suppressed the Archdiaconate and the cardinal entrusted with the supervision of the Apostolic Camera (Camera Apostolica), i.e., the temporalities of the Holy See, became known as the Camerarius, or Chamberlain.

Chief among the present responsibilities of the Camerlengo is the formal determination of the death of the reigning Pope; the traditional procedure for this was to strike gently the Pope's head three times with a silver hammer and to call his name. After the Pope is declared dead, the Camerlengo removes the Ring of the Fisherman from his finger and cuts it with shears in the presence of the Cardinals, and also destroys the face of the Pope's seal with the silver hammer. These acts symbolize the end of the late Pope's authority. The Camerlengo then notifies the appropriate officers of the Roman Curia and the Dean of the College of Cardinals. He is then involved with the preparations concerning the conclave and the Pope's funeral.

Until a successor Pope can be elected, the Camerlengo serves as acting head of State of the Vatican City. He is not, however, currently responsible for the government of the Roman Catholic Church during a sede vacante. Universi Dominici Gregis placed that task in the hands of the College of Cardinals — although this power of government is extremely limited, being merely enough to allow Church institutions to continue to operate and perform some basic functions without making any definitive decisions or appointments that are normally reserved to other powers delegated by the pope. The Camerlengo, though, does keep his office during the sede vacante, as opposed to the rest of the Roman Curia.

Two Camerlengos have been elected Pope: Gioacchino Pecci who was elected as Pope Leo XIII in 1878 and Eugenio Pacelli who was elected as Pope Pius XII in 1939.

The current Camerlengo is His Eminence Eduardo Cardinal Martínez Somalo, J.C.D., appointed by Pope John Paul II on April 5, 1993, and reappointed by Pope Benedict XVI in 2005.

[edit] List of Chamberlains of the Roman Church (from 1440)

[edit] Chamberlain of the Sacred College of Cardinals

Also known as the Cardinal Camerlengo since he is the Camerlengo of the Cardinals, the Chamberlain of the Sacred College of Cardinals is the secretary-treasurer of that body. He administers all fees and revenues belonging to the College, celebrates the requiem Mass for a deceased cardinal, and is charged with the registry of the Acta Consistoralia. Pope Eugenius III created the post of Camerlengo of the Sacred College of Cardinals in 1150, at the same time decreeing that the Bishop of Ostia would be the Dean of the College.

[edit] List of Chamberlains of the Sacred College of Cardinals (from 1592)

  • Girolamo Rusticucci (1592-1593)
  • (1593-1594, no information available)
  • Giovanni Evangelista Pallotta (1595-1596)
  • Agostino Valieri (1596-1597)
  • (1597-1598, no information available)
  • Domenico Pinelli, seniore (1599-1600)
  • (1601-1604, no information available)
  • Gregorio Petrocchini, O.E.S.A. (1605-1607)
  • Paolo Emilio Sfondrati (1607-1608)
  • Ottavio Paravicini (1608-1609)
  • Ottavio Acquaviva d'Aragona, seniore (1609-1611)
  • Pietro Aldobrandini (1611-1612)
  • Ottavio Bandini (1612-1613)
  • Bartolomeo Cesi (1613-1614)
  • Francesco Mantica (1614)
  • Bonifazio Bevilacqua Aldobrandini (1614-1616)
  • Domenico Toschi (1616-1617)
  • Roberto Bellarmino (1617-1618)
  • Domenico Ginnasi (1618-1619)
  • Giovanni Delfino (1619-1620)
  • Giacomo Sannesio (1620-1621)
  • Scipione Caffarelli-Borghese (1621-1623)
  • Maffeo Barberini (1623) (Elected Pope Urban VIII on August 6, 1623)
  • Giovanni Garzia Millini (1623-1625)
  • Marcello Lante (1625-1626)
  • Gianbattista Leni (1626-1627)
  • Gaspar Borja y Velasco (1627-1628)
  • Roberto Ubaldini (1628-1629)
  • Tiberio Muti (1629-1630)
  • Giulio Savelli (1630-1631)
  • Guido Bentivoglio d'Aragona (1631-1632)
  • Antonio Barberini, seniore, O.F.M.Cap. (1632)
  • Desiderio Scaglia, O.P. (1632-1633)
  • Agostino Spinola Basadone (1633-1634)
  • Cosimo de Torres (1634-1635)
  • Alfonso de la Cueva-Benavides y Mendoza-Carrillo (1635-1636)
  • Antonio Barberini, seniore, O.F.M.Cap. (1636-1637)
  • Luigi Caetani (1637-1638)
  • Bernardino Spada (1638-1639)
  • Berlinghiero Gessi (1639)
  • Federico Baldissera Bartolomeo Cornaro (1639-1641)
  • Giulio Cesare Sacchetti (1641-1642)
  • Giandomenico Spinola (1642-1643)
  • Giovanni Battista Pamphili (1643-1644)
  • Gil Carrillo de Albornoz (1644-1646)
  • Ciriaco Rocci (1646-1647)
  • Giovanni Battista Maria Pallotta (1647-1648)
  • Ulderico Carpegna (1648-1649)
  • Marcantonio Franciotti (1649-1650)
  • Marco Antonio Bragadin (1650-1651)
  • Pierdonato Cesi, iuniore (1651-1652)
  • Vincenzo Maculani, O.P. (1652-1653)
  • Carlo Rossetti (1654-1656)
  • Francesco Angelo Rapaccioli (1656-1657)
  • Juan de Lugo y de Quiroga, S.J. (1657-1658)
  • Niccolò Albergati-Ludovisi (1658-1659)
  • Federico Sforza (1650-1660)
  • Benedetto Odescalchi (1660-1661)
  • Camillo Astalli-Pamphili (1661-1662)
  • Luigi Omodei (1662-1663)
  • Giacomo Corradi (1663-1664)
  • Giberto Borromeo (1664-1665)
  • Marcello Santacroce (1665-1666)
  • Giovanni Battista Spada (1666-1668)
  • Francesco Albizzi (1668-1669)
  • Ottavio Aquaviva d'Aragonia (1669-1671)
  • Carlo Pio di Savoia, iuniore (1671-1672)
  • Carlo Gualterio (1672-1673)
  • Flavio Chigi (1673-1674)
  • Giacomo Franzoni (1674-1675)
  • Pietro Vidoni, seniore (1675-1676)
  • Carlo Carafa della Spina (1676-1678)
  • Paluzzo Paluzzi Altieri degli Albertoni (1678-1679)
  • Giacomo Filippo Nini (1679-1680)
  • Giacomo Rospigliosi (1680-1681)
  • Gasparo Carpegna (1681-1682)
  • César d'Estrées (1682-1683)
  • Federico Baldeschi Colonna (1683-1684)
  • Francesco Nerli, iuniore (1684-1685)
  • Girolamo Gastaldi (1685)
  • Alessandro Crescenzi, C.R.S (1685-1687)
  • Galeazzo Marescotti (1687-1688)
  • Fabrizio Spada (1688-1689)
  • Philip Thomas Howard of Norfolk, O.P. (1689-1691)
  • Giambattista Spinola, seniore (1691-1692)
  • Savo Millini (1692-1693)
  • Francesco Lorenzo Brancati di Lauria, O.F.M. Conv. (1693)
  • Pier Matteo Petrucci (1693-1695)
  • Jan Kazimierz Denhoff (1695-1696)
  • Leandro Colloredo, Orat. (1696-1697)
  • Domenico Maria Corsi (1697)
  • 1698-1699 (No name given in Acta Camerari Sacri Collegii S. R. E. Cardinalium)
  • Bandino Panciatici (1699-1700)
  • Giacomo Cantelmi (1700-1702)
  • Toussaint de Forbin Janson, (1702-1703)
  • Giambattista Rubini (1703-1704)
  • Tommaso Maria Ferrari, O.P. (1704-1705)
  • Giuseppe Sacripante (1705-1706)
  • Fabrizio Paolucci (1706-1707)
  • Andrea Santacroce (1707-1708)
  • Sperello Sperelli (1708-1709)
  • Giovanni Maria Gabrielli, O.Cist. (1709-1710)
  • Lorenzo Corsini (1710-1711)
  • Francesco Acquaviva d'Aragonia (1711-1712)
  • Filippo Antonio Gualterio (1712-1713)
  • Giandomenico Paracciani (1713-1714)
  • Joseph-Emmanuel de la Trémoille (1714-1715)
  • Carlo Agostino Fabroni (1715-1716)
  • Michelangelo dei Conti (1716-1717)
  • Luigi Pico della Mirandola (1717-1718)
  • Antonio Felice Zondadari (1718-1719)
  • Pier Marcellino Corradini (1719-1720)
  • Luigi Priuli (1720)
  • Giovanni Battista Tolomei, S.J. (1720-1723)
  • Bernardino Scotti (1723-1724)
  • Nicolò Spinola (1724-1726)
  • Giorgio Spinola (1726-1727)
  • Cornelio Bentivoglio (1727-1728)
  • Luis Antonio Belluga y Moncada (1728-1729)
  • Mihály Frigyes Althan (1729-1730)
  • Álvaro Cienfuegos Villazón, S.J. (1730-1732)
  • Giambattista Altieri, iuniore (1732-1733)
  • Vincenzo Petra (1733-1734)
  • Niccolò Maria Lercari (1734-1735)
  • Vincezo Ludovico Gotti (1735-1736)
  • Leandro Porzia (1736-1737)
  • Pierlugi Carafa (1737-1738)
  • Francesco Scipione Maria Borghese (1738-1739)
  • Vincenzo Bichi (1739-1741)
  • Giuseppe Firrao (1741-1742)
  • Antonio Saverio Gentili (1742-1743)
  • Giovanni Antonio Guadagni, O.C.D. (1743-1744)
  • Troiano Aquaviva d'Aragona (1744-1745)
  • Domenico Riviera (1745-1746)
  • Giambattista Spinola (1746-1747)
  • Raniero D'Elci (1747-1748)
  • Domenico Silvio Passionei (1748-1749)
  • Silvio Valenti Gonzaga (1749-1750)
  • Joaquín Fernández Portocarrero (1750-1751)
  • Camillo Paolucci (1751-1752)
  • Carlo Alberto Guidoboni Cavalchini (1752-1753)
  • Federico Marcello Lante Montefeltro della Rovere (1753-1754)
  • Francesco Landi Pietra (1754-1755)
  • Fortunato Tamburini, O.S.B.Cas. (1755-1756)
  • Girolamo de Bardi (1756-1757)
  • Giovanni Battista Mesmer (1757-1758)
  • Henry Benedict Mary Clement Stuart of York (1758-1760)
  • Giuseppe Maria Feroni (1760-1761)
  • Luca Melchiore Tempi (1761-1762)
  • Cosimo Imperiali (1762-1763)
  • Antonio Andrea Galli, C.R. SS.S. (1763-1764)
  • Carlo Rezzonico (1764-1765)
  • Ferdinando Maria de Rossi (1765-1766)
  • Giuseppe Maria Castelli (1766-1767)
  • Gaetano Fantuzzi (1767-1768)
  • Pietro Girolamo Guglielmi (1768-1770)
  • Marcantonio Colonna (1770-1771)
  • Andrea Corsini (1771-1772)
  • Simone Buonaccorsi (1772-1773)
  • Giovanni Carlo Boschi (1773-1774)
  • Ludovico Calini (1774-1776)
  • Lazzaro Opizio Pallavicino (1776-1777)
  • Pietro Pamphilj (1777-1778)
  • Mario Marefoschi Compagnoni (1778-1779)
  • Scipione Borghese (1779-1780)
  • Antonio Eugenio Visconti (1780-1781)
  • Bernardino Giraud (1781-1782)
  • Innocenzo Conti (1782-1783)
  • Francesco Saverio de Zelada (1783-1784)
  • Leonardo Antonelli (1784-1785)
  • Giovanni Archinto (1785-1786)
  • Giacinto Sigismondo Gerdil, B. (1786-1787)
  • Guglielmo Pallotta (1787-1788)
  • Franziskus Herzan von Harras (1788-1789)
  • Giovanni De Gregorio (1789-1790)
  • Francesco Carrara (1790-1791)
  • Ignazio Busca (1791-1792)
  • Stefano Borgia (1792-1793)
  • Tommaso Antici (1793-1794)
  • Giovanni Battista Caprara Montecuccoli (1794-1795)
  • Antonio Dugnani (1795-1796)
  • Aurelio Roverella (1796-1797)
  • Giulio Maria della Somaglia (1797-1798)
  • Vincenzo Maria Altieri (1798) (1)
  • Giulio Maria della Somaglia (1799-1801) (2)
  • Diego Innico Caracciolo di Martina (1801-1802)
  • Giuseppe Firrao (1802-1803)
  • Ferdinando Maria Saluzzo (1803-1804)
  • Bartolomeo Pacca (1804-1805)
  • Giovanni Filippo Gallarati Scotti (1805-1806)
  • Lorenzo Litta (1806-1807)
  • Filippo Casoni (1807-1808)
  • Girolamo della Porta (1808-1809)
  • Valentino Mastrozzi (1809-1810)
  • Antonio Despuig y Dameto (1810-1813)
  • Pietro Francesco Galeffi (1814-1818)
  • Antonio Doria Pamphilj (1818-1819)
  • Fabrizio Dionigi Ruffo (1819-1820)
  • Ercole Consalvi (1820-1821)
  • Giuseppe Albani (1821-1822)
  • Francesco Guidobono Cavalchini (1822-1823)
  • Giovanni Caccia-Piatti (1823-1825)
  • Pietro Vidoni (1825-1826)
  • Cesare Guerrieri Gonzaga (1826-1827)
  • Antonio Frosini (1827-1828)
  • Tommaso Riario Sfroza (1828-1830)
  • Belisario Cristaldi (1830-1831)
  • Juan Francisco Marco y Catalán (1831-1832)
  • Domenico de Simone (1832-1833)
  • Luigi Gazzoli (1833-1834)
  • Mario Mattei (1834-1835)
  • Nicola Grimaldi (1835-1836)
  • Alessandro Spada (1836-1837)
  • Bartolomeo Pacca (1837-1838)
  • Emmanuele de Gregorio (1838-1839)
  • Giovanni Francesco Falzacappa (1839-1840)
  • Carlo Maria Pedicini (1840-1841)
  • Antonio Domenico Gamberini (1841-1842)
  • Giacomo Giustiniani (1842-1843)
  • Vincenzo Macchi (1843-1844)
  • Luigi Lambruschini, C.R.S.P. (1844-1845)
  • Pietro Ostini (1845-1846)
  • Castruccio Castracane degli Antelminelli (1846-1847)
  • Mario Mattei (1848-1850)
  • Giacomo Luigi Brignole (1851-1852)
  • Costantino Patrizi (1852-1853(
  • Luigi Amat di San Filippo e Sorso (1853-1854)
  • Gabriele Ferretti (1854-1855)
  • Antonio Maria Cagiano de Azevedo (1855-1856)
  • Benedetto Barberini (1856-1857)
  • Ugo Pietro Spinola (1857-1858)
  • Gabriele della Genga Sermattei (1858-1859)
  • Clarissimo Falconieri Mellini (1859)
  • Antonio Tosti (1859-1860)
  • Gasparo Bernardo Pianetti (1861-1862)
  • Fabio Maria Asquini (1862-1863)
  • Niccola Clarelli Paracciani (1863-1864)
  • Domencio Carafa di Traetto (1864-1865)
  • Sisto Riario Sfroza (1865-1866)
  • Camillo di Pietro (1866-1867)
  • Karl-August von Reisach (1867-1868)
  • Alessandro Barnabò (1868-1869)
  • Giuseppe Milesi Pironi (1869-1870)
  • Piero di Silvestri (1870-1871)
  • Angelo Quaglia (1871-1872)
  • Antonio Maria Panebianco, O.F.M.Conv. (1872-1873)
  • Antonino Saverio De Luca (1873-1874)
  • Giuseppe Andrea Bizzarri (1874-1875)
  • Lucien-Louis-Joseph Bonaparte (1876-1877)
  • Innocenzo Ferrieri (1877-1879)
  • Edoardo Borromeo (1879-1880)
  • Raffaele Monaco La Valletta (1880-1881)
  • Flavio III Chigi (1881-1882)
  • Luigi Oreglia di Santo Stefano (1882-1883)
  • Tommaso Martinelli, O. E.S.A. (1883-1884)
  • Mieczysław Cardinal Ledóchowski (1884-1885)
  • Giovanni Simeoni (1885-1886)
  • Domenico Bartolini (1886-1887)
  • Luigi Serafini (1887-1888)
  • Lucido Maria Parocchi (1888-1889)
  • Carlo Laurenzi (1889)
  • Paul Ludolf Melchers (1889-1891)
  • Serafino Vannutelli (1891-1892)
  • Gaetano Aloisi Masella (1892-1893)
  • Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro (1893-1894)
  • Fulco Luigi Ruffo-Scilla (1894-1895)
  • Angelo di Pietro (1895-1896)
  • Girolamo Maria Gotti, O.C.D. (1896-1897)
  • Domenico Maria Jacobini (1897-1898)
  • Antonio Agliardi (1898-1899)
  • Domencio Ferrata (1899-1900)
  • Serafino Cretoni (1900-1901)
  • Giovanni Battista Casali del Drago (1901-1902)
  • Francesco di Paola Cassetta (1902-1903)
  • Alessandro Sanminiatelli Zabarella (1903-1905)
  • François-Désiré Mathieu (1905-1906)
  • Pietro Respighi (1906-1907)
  • Sebastiano Martinelli, O.E.S.A. ( 1907-1909)
  • Casimiro Gennari (1909-1911)
  • Rafael Merry del Val y Zulueta (1911-1912)
  • Aristidi Rinaldi (1912-1914)
  • Pietro Gasparri (1914-1915)
  • Antonio Vico (1915-1916)
  • Gennaro Granito Pignatelli di Belmonte (1916-1919)
  • Basilio Pompilj (1919-1920)
  • Giulio Boschi (1920)
  • Rafael Merry del Val y Zulueta (1920-1922)
  • 1922-1926 (No information found)
  • Donato Raffaele Sbarretti (1926-?)
  • 1926-1929 (No information found)
  • Achille Locatelli (1929-1930)
  • Luigi Sincero (1930-1931)
  • Bonaventura Cerretti (1933)
  • Achille Locatelli (1933-1935)
  • Luigi Capotosti (1935-1936)
  • Lorenzo Lauri (1936-1937)
  • Eugenio Pacelli (1937-1939) (Elected Pope Pius XII on March 2, 1939)
  • 1939-1947 (No information found)
  • Federico Tedeschini (1947-1948)
  • 1948-1949 (No information found)
  • Massimo Massimi (1949-1950)
  • Nicola Canali (1950-1951)
  • Giovanni Mercati (1951-1952)
  • Giuseppe Bruno (1952-1954)
  • Alfredo Ottaviani (1954-1958)
  • Eugène Tisserant (1958-1960)
  • Clemente Micara (1960-1961)
  • Giuseppe Pizaardo (1961-1962)
  • Benedetto Aloisi Masella (1962-1968)
  • Giuseppe Antonio Ferretto (1968-1973)
  • Ildebrando Antoniutti (1974)
  • Franjo Śeper (1974-1977)
  • Agnello Rossi (1977-1978)
  • Gabriel-Marie Garrone (1978-1979)
  • Egidio Vagnozzi (1979-1980)
  • 1980-1982 (Vacant)
  • Maximilien de Furstenberg (1982-1984)
  • Silvio Oddi (1984-1987)
  • Giuseppe Paupini (1987-1988)
  • Jan Willebrands (1988-1995?)

[edit] Other Camerlengos

Other chamberlains of the Papal court have duties about the Papal quarters, although this title is usually given as an honorary award. Laymen receiving this honor are called Papal Gentlemen, while clergymen are typically appointed "Chaplain of His Holiness", a form of Monsignor.

[edit] References