Camargo, Tamaulipas

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Ciudad Camargo, is a municipality in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas. It is located on the US border, across from Rio Grande City, Texas. It has a population of over 16,000 and an international bridge.

[edit] History

The first settlement to be founded on the Lower Rio Grande was that of Nuestra Senora de Santa Ana de Camargo. It was founded March 5th, 1749, with the dedication to Senora Santa Ana by captain Don Blas Maria de la Garza at the eastern edge of the San Juan River near its confluence with the Rio Grande. The foundation had 85 families -a total of 531 persons. Most of the settlers for this township came from Cerralvo, Cadereyta and Monterrey and surrounding townships.

After establishing other towns in the interior of Mexico between Queretaro and the Gulf coast, Escandon arrived at Camargo on March 3, 1749. At the location called, "Paso del Azucar" on the Rio Grande, about two leagues southeast of the present site of Camargo, he met Captain Blas Maria de la Garza Falcon who already had been encamped their with forty other families and some soldiers. In the group led by Captain Blas Maria de la Garza Falcon were Miguel de la Garza Falcon, his brother, and Nicolas de los Santos Coy, father-in-law of Captain Falcon and ex-alcalde of Cerralvo.

These settlers were men of wealth who felt a need to risk all for greater gain. The town had already been laid out on the eastern bank of the San Juan River, not far from the Rio Grande, and temporary shelters made, jacales (straw huts). Father Fray Hierro, who had joined Escandon at Padilla and was a missionary from the college of Zacatecas, kept a diary which provides many interesting details concerning the establishment of the first settlements of the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Fourteen settlements were established in a six months period.

The settlers of this town were, as is evident from the captain's registry, generally Spaniards; they came in with some major and minor livestock: goats, sheep and mules.

A great flood in the year 1751 did some damage to the settlement, for which reason it was moved a little farther down the river to a higher site. An irrigation canal which had been built at the original location, because of their not having trimmed the opening to the canal with stone and mortar, was destroyed by the flood.