
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I believe my first (anonymous) contribution was probably the original article on Charles Kao, since then I've made several other anonymous contributions, somewhere along the line I registered this account, and then promptly started not using it. Since stopping not using it I've contributed to various pages including Harlow, 29 Sqn., and Brunswick Square.

If you'd like some labels to attach to me then -- I live near London, mainly work in telecoms & new technology, used to test as an INTP but over the last couple of years have started sliding towards ENTJ; academically, my first degree was in astrophysics from UCL and in 04/05 I took an MBA at Imperial, and have academic interests in integral philosophy, social networks, and entrepreneurship; I'm a gamer, I grew up on military airbases, enjoy hard science fiction, religiously if pushed I'd probably ID as weak agnostic on a semi-overlapping magisteria basis, politically I'm generally economic-right & social-individual/libertarian and tend to vote Tory as I feel they're generally the least wrong at present and most likely to be right in the future.

Oh, and just in case -- yes, I'm the guy with ginger hair, glasses & a pony tail; also, yes, I probably am "that" Callum.
Callum 19:37, 10 July 2006 (UTC)