Calrose rice

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is the most recognized variety of rice in the United States and abroad, especially in the Pacific. In Hawaii, Guam and other islands, Calrose rice accounts for more than 90% of the rice consumed. The variety is grown in other areas of the world where it is suited to growing conditions, such as Australia.

After cooking, Calrose rice grains hold flavor well, and are soft and stick together, making it good for use in sushi.

Calrose was once a much sought-after variety in parts of Asia, where it was considered exotic. There was even a black market for the variety and it was smuggled in large quantities. This is not the case in South Korea, where consumers prefer Asian varieties. The odor and taste of Calrose is said to be disagreeable, and its lower moisture level can lead to drying and cracking in the grains, which prevents the cooked rice from taking on the shiny, rounded look valued in other varieties.

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