Calendar of saints (Scottish Episcopal Church)
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THE CALENDAR of the Scottish Episcopal Church.
Each Holy and Saint’s Day listed in the Scottish Church Calendar has been assigned a number which indicates its category. It is intended that feasts in categories 1 - 4 should be kept by the whole Church. Days in categories 5 and 6 may be kept according to diocesan or local discretion. Commemorations not included in this Calendar may be observed with the approval of the Bishop.
Contents |
[edit] Category 1
- Maundy Thursday
- Good Friday
- Holy Saturday
- Easter Day (and the weekdays following)
- Pentecost
- Ash Wednesday
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday in Holy Week
- Ascension Day
- Christmas Day
- Epiphany
- Sundays of Advent, Lent and Easter
[edit] Category 2
- Feasts of The Lord (Name of Jesus, Presentation, Annunciation, Transfiguration)
- Trinity Sunday
- All Saints' Day
- Dedication and Patronal Festivals
- Eves of Christmas and Pentecost
- First Sunday after Christmas
- First Sunday after Epiphany (the Baptism of the Lord)
[edit] Category 3
- Sundays after Christmas
- Sundays after Epiphany
- Sundays after Pentecost
- Weekdays in Lent
[edit] Category 4
- Feasts of the Apostles and Evangelists
- Saint Mary the Virgin
- The Visit to Elizabeth
- Saint Joseph
- Saint John the Baptist (Birth, Beheading)
- Saint Mary Magdalene
- Saint Michael and All Angels
- Saint Stephen
- The Holy Innocents;
- Saint Kentigern
- Saint Patrick
- Saint Columba
- Saint Ninian
- Saint Margaret of Scotland
[edit] Category 5
- All Souls' Day
- Holy Cross Day;
- Conception and Birth of Mary, Mother of the Lord
- Thanksgiving for the Institution of the Holy Communion (Corpus Christi);
- Thanksgiving for Harvest (Lammas Day)
[edit] Category 6
- 2 Seraphim of Sarov, 1833
- 10 William Laud, Bishop, 1645
- 11 David, King of Scots, 1153
- 14 Hilary of Poitiers, Bishop and Teacher of the Faith, c 367
- 17 Anthony of Egypt, Abbot, 356
- 21 Agnes, Martyr, c 304
- 24 Francis de Sales, Bishop, 1622
- 27 John Chrysostom, Bishop and Teacher of the Faith, 407
- 28 Thomas Aquinas, Teacher of the Faith, 1274
- 30 Charles I, King, 1649
- 31 Charles Mackenzie of Central Africa, Bishop, Missionary, Martyr, 1862
- 1 Bride of Kildare, Abbess, c 525
- 3 Saints and Martyrs of Europe
- 6 Paul Miki, Priest, and the Martyrs of Japan, 1597
- 10 Scholastica, Religious, 543
- 14 Cyril, Monk, 869, and Methodius, Bishop, 885, "Apostles of the Slavs"
- 15 Thomas Bray, Priest and Missionary, 1730
- 17 Finan of Lindisfarne, Bishop, 661
- 18 Colman of Lindisfarne, Bishop, 676
- 19 Martin Luther, 1545
- 23 Polycarp of Smyrna, Bishop and Martyr, 156
- 1 David, Bishop, Patron of Wales, c 544
- 2 Chad of Lichfield, Bishop, 672
- 3 John and Charles Wesley, Priests, 1791, 1788
- 4 Adrian of May Island, Abbot, and Companions, Martyrs, 875
- 6 Baldred, Bishop, 608
- 7 Perpetua and her Companions, Martyrs, 203
- 8 Duthac, Bishop, 1068
- 10 Kessog, Bishop, c 700
- 16 Boniface of Ross, Bishop, 8th c
- 18 Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Teacher of the Faith, 386
- 20 Cuthbert, Bishop, 687
- 21 Thomas Cranmer, Bishop, 1556
- 22 Thomas Ken, Bishop, 1711
- 24 Paul Couturier, Priest, 1953
- 28 Patrick Forbes, Bishop, 1635, and the Aberdeen Doctors, Teachers of the Faith
- 29 John Keble, Priest, 1866
- 1 Gilbert of Caithness, Bishop, 1245
- 9 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Theologian and Martyr, 1945
- 10 William Law, Priest, 1761
- 11 George Augustus Selwyn, Bishop and Missionary, 1878
- 12 William Forbes, Bishop, 1634
- 16 Magnus of Orkney, Martyr, c 1116
- 17 Donnan, Abbot, and Companions, Martyrs, c 617
- 20 Maelrubha of Applecross, Abbot, 722
- 21 Anselm of Canterbury, Bishop and Teacher of the Faith, 1109
- 23 George, Patron of England, Martyr, c 303
- 26 Albert Ernest Laurie, Priest, 1937
- 29 Catherine of Siena, Mystic and Teacher of the Faith, 1380
- 2 Athanasius, Bishop and Teacher of the Faith, 373
- 8 Julian of Norwich, c 1413
- 12 Thomas Rattray, Bishop, 1743
- 21 Helena, c 330
- 23 William of Perth (or Rochester), 1201
- 25 Bede, the Venerable, of Jarrow, Teacher of the Faith, 735
- 26 Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop, c 604
- 1 Justin of Rome, Martyr, c 165
- 3 Charles Lwanga and his companions, 1886, Janani Luwum, Bishop, 1977, Martyrs of Uganda
- 4 John XXIII, Bishop of Rome, Reformer, 1963
- 5 Boniface of Mainz, Bishop, Missionary and Martyr, 754
- 8 Ephrem the Syrian, Deacon and Teacher of the Faith, 373
- 12 John Skinner, Priest, 1807, and John Skinner, Bishop, 1816
- 14 Basil of Caesarea, 379; Gregory of Nazianzus, 390; Gregory of Nyssa, 394, Bishops and Teachers of the Faith
- 18 Bernard Mizeki, Martyr, 1896
- 20 Fillan, Abbot, c 750
- 22 Alban, Martyr, c 209
- 25 Moluag of Lismore, Bishop, c 592
- 26 Robert Leighton, Bishop, 1684
- 27 Alexander Jolly, Bishop, 1838
- 28 Irenaeus of Lyons, Bishop and Teacher of the Faith, 202
- 1 Serf, Bishop, c 500
- 6 Palladius, Bishop, c 450
- 11 Benedict of Nursia, Abbot, c 550
- 12 Drostan of Deer, Abbot, c 600
- 21 William Wilberforce, 1833
- 26 Anne and Joachim, Parents of Mary, Mother of the Lord
- 27 John Comper, Priest, 1903
- 29 Martha and Mary of Bethany
- 30 Silas, Companion of Saint Paul
- 31 Ignatius Loyola, Priest and Religious, 1556
- 5 Oswald of Northumbria, Martyr, 642
- 7 Boisil, Prior of Melrose, c 642;
- 8 Dominic, Priest and Friar, 1221
- 9 John Mason Neale, Priest, 1866
- 10 Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr, 258
- 11 Clare of Assisi, Religious, 1253
- 12 Blane, Missionary, c 590
- 13 Jeremy Taylor, Bishop, 1667
- 14 Maximilien Kolbe, Priest and Martyr, 1940
- 20 Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot and Teacher of the Faith, 1153
- 25 Ebba of Coldingham, Abbess, 683
- 27 Monnica, Mother of Augustine of Hippo, 387
- 28 Augustine of Hippo, Bishop and Teacher of the Faith, 430
- 31 Aidan of Lindisfarne, Bishop, 651
- 2 The Martyrs of New Guinea, 1942
- 3 Gregory the Great, Bishop and Teacher of the Faith, 604
- 13 Cyprian of Carthage, Bishop and Martyr, 258
- 17 Hildegard of Bingen, Abbess, 1179
- 20 John Coleridge Patteson, Bishop and Martyr, 1871
- 23 Adamnan of Iona, Abbot, 704
- 25 Finnbar of Caithness, Bishop, c 610
- 27 Vincent de Paul, Priest, 1660
- 30 Jerome, Priest and Teacher of the Faith, 420
- 1 Gregory the Enlightener, Bishop, “Apostle of Armenia”, c 332
- 4 Francis of Assisi, Deacon and Friar, 1226
- 8 Alexander Penrose Forbes, Bishop, 1875
- 11 Kenneth, Abbot, 600
- 12 Elizabeth Fry, 18456
- 15 Teresa of Avila, Teacher of the Faith, 1582
- 17 Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr, c 115
- 19 Henry Martyn, Priest and Missionary, 1812
- 29 James Hannington, Bishop, and Companions, Martyrs, 1885
- 3 Richard Hooker, Priest and Teacher of the Faith, 1600
- 7 Willibrord, Bishop and Missionary, 739
- 9 George Hay Forbes, Priest, 1875
- 10 Leo the Great, Bishop and Teacher of the Faith, 461
- 11 Martin of Tours, Bishop, c 397
- 12 Machar, Bishop, c 600
- 17 Hugh of Lincoln, Bishop, 1200
- 18 Fergus, Bishop, c 750
- 19 Hilda of Whitby, 680
- 21 Columban, Bishop, 615
- 22 Cecilia, Martyr, c 230
- 23 Clement of Rome, Bishop and Martyr, c 100
- 24 Lucy Menzies, 1954
- 1 Charles de Foucauld, Priest and Hermit, 1916
- 2 Nicholas Ferrar, Deacon, 1637
- 3 Francis Xavier, Priest and Missionary, 1552
- 4 Clement of Alexandria, Teacher of the Faith, c 210
- 6 Nicholas of Myra, Bishop, 4th century
- 7 Ambrose of Milan, Bishop and Teacher of the Faith, 397
- 14 John of the Cross, Priest, Teacher of the Faith, 1591
- 29 Thomas of Canterbury, Bishop and Martyr, 1170
- 30 Josephine Butler, 1905
- 31 John Wycliffe, Priest, 1384