Calendar of Imladris

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The Calendar of Imladris was a calendar used in J.R.R. Tolkien's fictional Middle-earth by the Elves of Rivendell. (Imladris is the name of that place in Sindarin.) It is apparently the only Eldarin calendar described by the Hobbits in the Red Book of Westmarch[1].

[edit] The Seasons

Season name (Quenya) Season name (Sindarin) English translation
tuilë ethuil spring
lairë laer summer
yávië iavas autumn
quellë [2] firith [3] fading
hrívë rhîw winter
coirë echuir stirring

[edit] Notes

  1. ^  The Lord of the Rings, Appendix D.
  2. ^  Or lasse-lanta 'leaf-fall'.
  3. ^  Or narbeleth 'sun-waning'.