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Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional world of Middle-earth, Calacirya (meaning "Light Cleft" in Quenya) is the pass in the Pelóri north of Taniquetil where Tirion was set on Túna. After the hiding of Valinor this was the lone gap through the mountains of Aman. The Valar would have closed the mountains entirely but, realizing that the Elves, even the Vanyar, needed to be able to breath the outside air, they kept Calacirya open. They also did not want to wholly separate the Vanyar and Noldor from the Teleri on the coast.

[edit] References

The Silmarillion: Ballantine ed(pg. 59,62,75,88,114,298)

Mountains from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium
Ranges:  Crissaegrim | Echoriath | Ephel Dúath | Ered Engrin | Ered Gorgoroth | Ered Lithui | Ered Luin | Ered Lómin | Ered Mithrin | Ered Nimrais | Ered Wethrin | Hithaeglir | Iron Hills | Orocarni | Mountains of Angmar | Pelóri
Notable peaks:  Amon Anwar | Caradhras | Celebdil | Erebor | Fanuidhol | Meneltarma | Methedras | Mindolluin | Mount Dolmed | Mount Gram | Mount Gundabad | Mount Rerir | Orodruin | Starkhorn | Taniquetil | Thangorodrim
Notable passes:  Aglon | Calacirya | Cirith Gorgor | Cirith Ungol | Cirith Forn en Andrath | Redhorn Pass