Cable & Wireless (Caribbean)

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Cable & Wireless (West Indies) Ltd. is a leading wholly owned telecommunications subsidiary of the British-based parent company Cable & Wireless (C&W) plc. This regional subsidiary covers 15 former British colonies of the Caribbean region and is made up of several fairly autonomous Cable & Wireless telecommunications business units.

Many of these Cable & Wireless units operate as the native incumbent telecommunications service providers in the island they reside and offer an array of services.


[edit] Services

  • International/Domestic Voice telephone services;
  • Data/IP services such as ADSL, Frame, or ISDN via the brand name Caribsurf;
  • Mobile/Wireless serices including Blackberry;
  • other services included satellite based communications, and television services for select countries.

[edit] Historical and current

The history of Cable and Wireless' network build-out in the Caribbean region dates back to the 1880's. In recent times the West Indies unit has been considered 'key' in global revenue turnover. 'Cable & Wireless (West Indies) Ltd. is currently the most profitable market outside of the United Kingdom for the parent company Cable and Wireless Plc. The overall primary markets of C&W are: The United Kingdom, the Caribbean, Panama, Macau and Monaco.

[edit] C&W Regional profits

In 2005 according to the 2005 C&W annual report:

  • United Kingdom turnover: £1,602 million
  • Caribbean turnover: £550 million
  • Panama turnover: £257 million
  • Macau turnover: £117 million
  • Monaco Telecom turnover: £100 million
  • Rest of the World turnover: £167 million
  • Figures are from the financial report released to its shareholders the current listed financial breakdown for CWPLC is as formentioned by regional business segment.

Total CWPLC turnover ~ £3,023 million (Source: [1])

[edit] Company business units in the Caribbean


See also: bmobile

[edit] External link