C to Java byte-code compiler

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A C to Java byte-code compiler is a compiler that translates C code to Java byte-code so that it can be run on a Java Virtual Machine.

The first and primary purpose of a Java Virtual Machine is to execute programs written in the Java language, but the JVM provides an execution environment in the form of a bytecode instruction set and a runtime system that is general enough that it can be the target of compilers for other languages. To run programs written in other languages within a Java Virtual Machine, one uses a compiler that translates the source program into Java bytecodes that use appropriate virtual machine services in place of those services that would commonly be provided by native platform libraries. Compilers for several source languages exist, including C, Ada, and COBOL, allowing program written in these languages to run on the Java Virtual Machine. C compilers may be the most appropriate because of the existence of a very significant amount of software already written in the C language; in addition there's a large community of C programmers. The Java bytecodes that are generated by the compiler make the application platform-independent; the Java high-level language itself has no role to play at all.

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C programming language
Libraries: C standard library | glibc | Dietlibc | uClibc | Newlib
History: Criticism of the C programming language
Language Features: String | Syntax | Preprocessor | Variable types and declarations | Functions
Dialects: C++ | Objective-C
C and Other Languages: Compatibility of C and C++ | Operators in C and C++ | Comparison of Pascal and C | C to Java byte-code compiler