C.O.P.S. For Kids

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At the end of each episode of C.O.P.S., a special PSA segment known as C.O.P.S. For Kids is shown either in animated form featuring the C.O.P.S. and CROOKS or in live action form with real-life police officers giving kids information about safety issues. These included staying away from drugs, gangs, how to be safe at home and on the street, and how to help in preventing crime. Each and every C.O.P.S. for Kids segment was made with the blessing and assistance of organizations like DARE, the National Crime Prevention Council and the California Highway Patrol. These segments were omitted from some international broadcasts of the show.

[edit] List of C.O.P.S. For Kids PSAs

C.O.P.S. PSA Episode Summary
LongArm and Brian: "Don't go into dark alleys" Brian and a friend walks past a dark alley with Berserko lurking inside. Later Brian walks up to a back alley and turns away just as Rock Krusher was walking forward twirling around his handcuffs. This is an example of LongArm and his son showing everyone to neither go into dark alleys nor take deserted shortcuts.
Longarm and Brian: "No Smoking" Brian has decided to try smoking a cigarette. One whiff and he starts coughing. From this Brian learns to think twice before smoking with Longarm affirming his decision.
LongArm and Brian: "Don't Ride with Drunk Drivers" Brian is confronted by a carpool filled with drunken people who asks if he needs a lift. Brian remembers what his father said, "It's a bad risk to ride in the car with someone behind the wheel who's been drinking." Brian says, "No Thanks." And the car speed away only to crash into something off camera. LongArm in front of the precinct tells the views to stick with good risks, such as trying out for a team you're not certain you'll going to make it. Bad risks are for people who like to lose.
Bulletproof: "Say 'no' to Alcohol and Cigarettes" Bulletproof shows to the viewers a TV beer commercial and a smoking ad in a magazine and says, "You can have a good time without smoking or drinking. Alcohol and Cigarettes are drugs. Say 'no'."
Rock Krusher: "Gangs" In his prison cell, Rock Krusher talks about his boyhood days when he was once part of a gang that got involved with a deadly brawl against a rival gang one night. He escaped and was lucky that he was merely arrested afterwards and not killed like some of his friends were.
Dr. Badvibes, Buzzbomb, and Bulletproof: "Cars are not toys" BadVibes and Buzzbomb were going for a ride in a car. But BadVibes realized he forgot something so he tells Buzzbomb not to play with the car while he goes for something and leaves. Disobedient, Buzzbomb started to mess around with the car and crashes it. "I thought I told you not to play with the car!" BadVibes exclaimed. Then, Bulletproof tells the young viewers "Take it from BadVibes, kids. Cars are not toys. Besides, you're not as replaceable as Buzzbomb is."
Mace: "Vandalism" Mace expresses how much he hates graffiti. He hates it because it's hard to clean it up and costs money to do so. Secondly, he hates it most of all because it's against the law. Especially when a troublesome kid sprays graffiti on Mace's uniform.
MainFrame: "Play Away from Cars" With the help of Waldo, the robot, Mainframe tells the young viewers that since they are much too small to be seen by drivers moving in their cars, they are to play away from cars so they won't get hurt by them.
MainFrame: "Traffic Safety" Two kids are playing ball. Then, the ball went into the street. Mainframe discourages one of the little kids from going out and get the ball. A car came and ran over the ball. Streets are for cars, not kids. Mainframe tells the younger viewers to never go out into the street to get the toy if it went out into it. Toys can be replaced, not kids.
Big Boss and Squeeky Kleen: "Don't Flash Your Cash" Big Boss and Squeeky Kleen at the mall shows to the viewers how one must never flash his/her cash in front of the crowd with Squeeky showing off an example of this the hard way - by getting mugged and whipped by thugs when he flashes some wad of cash in front of them.
Highway: "Bicycle Safety" Highway shows off his normal bicycle while discussing a few bicycle safety tips to the viewers. Berserko didn't care. Instead, he rode down just the opposite of where one is suppose to go while bike riding down the road and crashed into a car pulling out in front of him. Highway turns around to see if Berserko is all right and says to the viewers, "Don't be Bicycle Berserko. Ride safe. Ride right."
Highway: "Don't Steal Traffic Signs" Highway tells the viewers to never steal traffic signs and shows an example of a kid showing off a large stop sign he has stolen from a street corner to a group of kids meeting inside of a clubhouse.

[edit] External links

  • TV Clips: C.O.P.S. The animated series. Here, you can listen to and enjoy 4 C.O.P.S. for Kids segment clips that feature LongArm, Rock Krusher, and Bulletproof telling Kids to Keep away from Gangs, Don't ride with a Drunk-Driver, Stay out of Dark Alleys, and Say "No" To Alcohol and Cigarettes.
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