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The previous Guardians from left to right: Cassidy, Yan Lin, Nerissa, Kadma & Halinor
The previous Guardians from left to right: Cassidy, Yan Lin, Nerissa, Kadma & Halinor

C.H.Y.K.N. is a fictional group in the W.I.T.C.H. comic book & animated series. They were chosen to protect Meridian the world of about 40 years prior to the present date. When Nerissa returned, during season 2 of the animated series, used the emotions and desires that formed chinks in the souls' armor to gain control of their minds. Only Yan Lin; whom she imprisoned in Heart of Meridian, was able to resist.

In the second half of season 2, Nerissa destroyed her own Knights of Destruction and used the powers that she gave them to restore herself and the other members C.H.Y.K.N. to their original Guardian forms. After the current Guardians broke her control over them, she absorbed C.H.Y.K.N. into the Seal of Nerissa. Thus gaining access to all of their elemental powers. After Nerissa was trapped inside Weira's jewel, C.H.Y.K.N., along with Elyon and Yan Lin, managed to escape.

In the comic book, the group is not referred to as C.H.Y.K.N. but simply by the group member's first names.


[edit] Members

[edit] Cassidy


Cassidy, restored to life

Publisher Disney
First appearance
Created by Elisabetta Gnone
Affiliations C.H.Y.K.N., Nerissa (forced)
Abilities Flight,
Mild Mind Control

Cassidy is the former Guardian of Water, she was granted the Heart of Kandrakar after the Council realized that it's power was corrupting Nerissa, but was killed when Nerrissa tried to seize the heart back.

During season 2, Nerissa resurrected Cassidy's spirit and bound it to the mortal realm. After trying several times to break her spirit by showing her how she could help others if she joined her quest willingly, Nerissa used Cassidy's love for her still-living mother Emily to trick her into wanting to live again, giving Nerissa the edge required to take control of her mind.

After being set free from Nerissa's control, she was given back her life and rejoined Emily.

As student in Sheffield institute, she was member in school's swimteam, the Seaslugs.

Voiced by Susan Chesler


  • K is for Knowledge (flashback)
  • M is for Mercy
  • O is for Obedience
  • Q is for Quarry
  • R is for Relentless
  • S is for Self
  • T is for Trauma
  • U is for Undivided
  • V is for Victory
  • X is for Xanadu
  • Y is for Yield
  • Z is for Zenith

[edit] Halinor


Halinor (Young)

Publisher Disney
First appearance
Created by Elisabetta Gnone
Affiliations Council of Kandrakar, C.H.Y.K.N., Nerissa (forced)
Abilities Flight,

Former Guardian of Fire who later joined the Council of Kandracar. A kind but insecure woman, Halinor did not believe that the Guardians were strong enough to defeat the forces set against them so she tried to steal the aurameres (which provides the girls their powers) in order to become a quinto-guardian (a guardian of all four primary elements). Nerissa used this weakness - betraying others when afraid - in order to take control of her.

After being set free from Nerissa's control, she rejoined the Council in Kandrakar.

During Season 2 it was revealed that Halinor retained the untransformed version of her Guardian power, but that using them drained her life force. [1]

Voiced by B. J. Ward


  • B is for Betrayal
  • I is for Illusion
  • K is for Knowledge
  • N is for Narcissist
  • P is for Protectors
  • Q is for Quarry
  • R is for Relentless
  • S is for Self
  • T is for Trauma
  • U is for Undivided
  • V is for Victory
  • X is for Xanadu
  • Y is for Yield
  • Z is for Zenith

[edit] Yan Lin

Yan Lin

Yan Lin (Young)

Publisher Disney
First appearance
Created by Elisabetta Gnone
Affiliations C.H.Y.K.N., Nerissa (Altermere Yan Lin only)
Abilities Flight,

Hay Lin's grandmother and the previous Guardian of Air.

After the veil was raised, cutting Earth off from Meridian, Yan Lin kept the Heart of Kandrakar on Earth until it was time to pass it on to the next generation. After which time she acted as a mentor to the new Guardians, and served as an informal adviser to the Council of Kandrakar.

Upon her return, Nerissa attempted to corrupt Yan Lin by offering her power, youth, and finally the safety of her granddaughter, but Yan Lin refused all three and Nerissa was forced to imprison Yan Lin, alongside Elyon, within the Heart of Meridian. Nerissa then tried to create an Altermere to take her place.

Although the real Yan Lin had the will to resist Nerissa, Altermere Yan Lin's desire to live was stronger than her self control, and she fell under Nerissa's thrall. Altermere Yan Lin's replacement of the real Yan Lin went unnoticed until close to the end of season 2, and up until that point Nerissa used Yan Lin's supposed loss to the dark side to taunt Hay Lin, in an unsuccessful attempt to break her spirit. Nerissa had the brainwashed Yan Lin bullying and fighting her granddaughter, but when she kidnapped and used her boyfriend Eric as a hostage, Hay Lin reacted and fought back.

After being used to fight W.I.T.C.H., Altermere Yan Lin was freed from Nerissa's thrall at the same time as the other members of C.H.Y.K.N., and she was imprisoned along side them when Nerissa absorbed them.

In the final episode of season 2 Yan Lin's altermere escaped her prison and came to live on Earth, where she was introduced to Hay Lin's Parents as Yan Lin's long lost twin sister Mira. As an almost perfect duplicates, Yan Lin and Altermere Yan Lin/now Mira Lin had a habit of finishing each other's sentences.

Yan Lin performed several small acts of magic throughout Season 1, and during Season 2 it was revealed that she retained the untransformed version of her Guardian power after C.H.Y.K.N disbanded the first time[2]. Though, without the Heart of Kandrakar directing the power of the Aurameres to her, using her elemental powers drains her life force.

In comic book, Yan Lin died soon after the Guardians received their powers.

Voiced by Lauren Tom

[edit] Kadma


Kadma (Young)

Publisher Disney
First appearance
Created by Elisabetta Gnone
Affiliations C.H.Y.K.N., Nerissa (forced)
Abilities Flight,
Chlorokinesis & Geokinesis,

Former Guardian of Earth. She was made the ruler of the purple planet Zamballa after preventing Phobos from taking over and was trapped there once the veil was lifted. She held the Heart of Zamballa, giving her great power. In the cartoon, according to Yan Lin Kadma is also a rather proud and slightly arrogant person, making her similar to her successor Cornelia, whom she briefly trains in season 2.

During season 2, Nerissa launched a series of attacks against Zamballa, intending to take the Heart from Kadma however she was defeated by the combined forces of Kadma and W.I.T.C.H.

Kadma then took the Heart of Meridian from Nerissa and merged it with the Heart of Zamballa. However, a Heart must be given freely and cannot be taken by force, so the Heart of Meridian returned to Nerissa, bringing with it the Heart of Zamballa. The combined Hearts formed the Seal of Nerissa, since Nerissa used Kadma's weakness - Pride for thinking that she could wield such power - to take control of her mind. Will had had the chance to claim the Heart of Meridian for herself and Kadma told her to do so before being brainwashed, but she feared that such power could be her perdition and refused, thus she was able to escape such a fate.

After being set free from Nerissa's control, she abdicated from being Queen of Zamballa to Iron Wood, for a more humble life on earth. By the comics she lives now in Faden Hills, Will's former city.

Voiced by CCH Pounder


  • K is for Knowledge (flashback)
  • P is for Protectors
  • Q is for Quarry
  • R is for Relentless
  • S is for Self
  • T is for Trauma
  • U is for Undivided
  • V is for Victory

[edit] Nerissa

Main article: Nerissa

Nerissa (young)

Publisher Disney
First appearance
Created by
Homeworld Earth
Affiliations C.H.Y.K.N.
Notable aliases Trill, The Mage
Abilities Flight, Quintessence, Electrokinesis
See main entry for additional powers

Former guardian of Quintessence. Nerissa was the first to carry the Heart of Kandrakar, enabling C.H.K.Y.N to transform. The heart was given to former guardian of water, Cassidy, after the power of the Heart began to corrupt Nerissa. Nerissa became obsessed from the loss of her power. She begged and begged for it back, then demanded Cassidy give it to her. After Cassidy declined, Nerissa pushed her of a cliff and left Cassidy plummeting to her death. The Heart was then given to Yan Lin, guardian of air. Nerissa was imprisoned, but once the veil was created, she went to Meridian, disguised as a character named Trill. She kept an eye on Phobos and Elyon throughout Phobos' reign. After Phobos was defeated, Trill gave Elyon a necklace owned by Queen Weira. The necklace siyphoned Elyon's power, and when she gave the necklace to Nerissa, who tricked her into hating her parents, she was imprisoned in the jewel. Nerissa also tricked Kadma into giving her the Heart of Zamballa, which created the Seal of Nerissa.

During season 2, Caleb was trying to track down his mother with the help of his father, Julian. Julian claimed that Caleb's mother was the mage, but the mage had been buried under a waterfall for 18 years after her death. Julian said that he and the mage fell in love 17 years ago and gave birth to Caleb 2 years later. Caleb believed his mother was the mage. Nerissa had been posing as the mage after the mage's death, which meant that Julian fell in love with her, and she was Caleb's mother.

[edit] References

  1. ^ W.I.T.C.H., Season 2, Episode 14 (N is for Narcissist)
  2. ^ W.I.T.C.H., Season 2, Episode 18 (R is for Restless)