Buzen's algorithm

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[edit] Buzen's algorithm

Buzen's algorithm is an algorithm related to queueing theory used to calculate the normalization constant G(N) for a closed jackson network. This constant is used when analyzing these networks, alternatively Mean-value analysis can be used to avoid having to compute the normalization constant. This method was first proposed by Jeffrey P. Buzen in 1973.[1]

The motivation for this algorithm is the result of the combinatorial explosion of the number of states that the system can be in.

[edit] Derivation

G(N) = g(M,N)

g(m,n) = \sum_{n_1 + \cdot\cdot\cdot + n_m = n} \prod_{i=1}^m f_i( n_i )
= \sum_{j=0}^n \sum_{n_1 + \cdot\cdot\cdot + n_{m-1} = n-j, n_m = j} \prod_{i=1}^m f_i( n_i )
= \sum_{j=0}^n f_m( j ) \sum_{n_1 + \cdot\cdot\cdot + n_{m-1} = n-j} \prod_{i=1}^{m-1} f_i( n_i )
= \sum_{j=0}^n f_m( j ) g( m-1, n-j )

g(m,0) = 1 to avoid affecting the product.

g(1,n) = f1(n)

This recursive relationship allows for the calculation of all G(N) up to any value of N in order O(MN2) time.

There is a more efficient algorithm for finding G(N) for some network. If it is assumed that f_{i>1}( n ) = c_iy_i^n, then the recursive relationship can be simplified as follows:

g(m,n) = \sum_{j=0}^n f_m( j ) g( m-1, n-j )
= f_m( 0 ) g( m-1, n ) + \sum_{j=1}^n f_m( j ) g( m-1, n-j )
= f_m( 0 ) g( m-1, n ) + y_m \sum_{j=1}^{n-1} f_m( j ) g( m-1, n-1-j)
= fm(0)g(m − 1,n) + ymg(m,n − 1)

This simpler recursive relationship allows for the calculation of all G(n) up to any value of N to be found in order O(MN) time.

[edit] Implementation

[edit] References

  1. ^ Buzen, Jeffrey (September 1973). "Computational algorithms for closed queueing networks with exponential servers". Communications of the ACM 16 (9).  [1]