User:Bushido Hacks

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Bushido Hacks, or Bushido, is a computer science major from St. Louis, Missouri.


[edit] Interests

  • Bushido could be described as an industrious person who spends much of his time programming and working on various projects, blogging major events in the technology industry, playing Literati, or conversing on electronic message boards.

[edit] Offline hobbies

[edit] Favorite Music, Movies, and Webcomics

Music Movies Webcomics
Favorite Music Genre: Industrial Rock

[edit] Favorite TV Series

Live Action Animation Animé

[edit] Favorite Websites

Search Organizations/Activism
Art/Entertainment/People Science

[edit] Dislikes

[edit] General Dislikes

[edit] Reality TV shows

Cops and Wrestling are OK, but the rest of it (American Idol, Survivor, etc.) has got to go!

[edit] People who think Napoleon Dynamite was a good movie.

  • Revenge of the Nerds was a good nerd movie. Napoleon Dynamite was crap.
  • The movie has also created a new kind of poser: the psuedogeek.

[edit] eMpTyV (MTV)

  • No music videos.
  • Produced Napoleon Dynamite.
  • Disbanned their animation studio.
  • Snubbed Pink Floyd and The Who's appearances at Live 8! Fine if they don't want to air an important musical event, they can just stay home. We'll let FUSE air it from now on!

[edit] New York City

  • Mass media wants us to worship that place like it was a western Mecca.
  • Gives the rest of America a bad image.
  • America probably wouldn't be so tense about terrorism if New York City was it's own city-state or separate country.

[edit] McDonnald's

  • As if the food wasn't bad enough, now they have search lights. The search lights really wouldn't be a problem if there wasn't a McDonnald's every 5 miles. The additional light pollution has made stargazing irksome. More disturbing is hearing non-nocturnal birds late at night. Local bird behavior can easily describe the local environment.

[edit] Religious solicitors

  • Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, et. al.
  • The Mormons have to be the worst. Unlike the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Mormons get all ticked off when you tell them no.

[edit] People who get all bitter about that last point

[edit] Organizations that have turned television into a true idiot box

  • The Parents Television Council - 99% of all complaints submited to the FCC come from the PTC. The only time they've ever been justified was after the superbowl incident.
  • Janet Jackson - Destroyer of television and radio gags.
  • Viacom

[edit] Segway Human Transport

  • I'd rather ride a Moped.
  • Worse.Invention.Ever.

[edit] Emo Music

  • They are not goth, punk, metal, or industrial. They are whiny posers who do nothing but lip-sync about how life is so miserable because they have to go to school live with their parents and never get accepted by the popular kids. Mostly its the popular kids who listen to this crap.
  • Most emo bands are generated by the recording industry who follow the following equation:
E = Emo
B = Boy Band (A group that sings, or even screams, at a tone greater than or equal to two octaves above middle C)
T = The ammount of talent
10% = rate of discount at Hot Topic
E = 0.1 + B + ( T \times 0 )
  • RIAA thought emo would attract the underground rock fans who are fleeting toward metal, industrial, EBM, and goth metal genres because of their progressive sounds and after the industry descrated alternative rock with nu-metal, rapcore, and hardcore (which is not hardcore because they sing too high like a little girl or a boy band.)

[edit] iPods

  • The pandora's box of the Apple Corporation
  • The Archos Jukebox and iriver H-series is better
  • Made by Chinese slave labor
  • Flash memory can not hold more than 5 GB of space. For more space, a hard drive would be better.

[edit] Luddites

A majority of them believe technology is Big Brother watching them or that religion is the solution to everything. While I don't put faith in technology, I do not believe that waiting for the Second Comming, or accelerating it, is the solution to the world's problems. As a technolgy expert, I can easily identify wheter or not a device has been bugged. While I agree with them that the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program does seem nefarious, hidering technology is wrong.

[edit] People who think Adbusters is a neo-Luddist organization

On the contrary! If Adbusters was a neo-luddist organization, why do they use computers? There concern is large corporations using sousveillance to control people's buying decisions and personal preferences outside the office. A good example of this abuse has recently been in the news where a Miller Brewing employee was fired for drinking Budweiser. No matter who you work for, you have the right to buy whatever you want even if it is something from a competitor.

[edit] People who incite moral panics

  • Jack Thompson - Sued 2 Live Crew, Howard Stern, and Rockstar Games. He is currently in a hissy fit with webcomic Penny Arcade sending faxes and trying to have Seattle P.D. arrest the P.A. crew 1. Someone needs to tell Jack to get a life or better yet take care of his own damn kids.
  • Cindy Sheehan - I've observed this woman for some time now and have come up with this conclusion. She has no respect for her son but is willing to maryter her son's image to sell a book for profit. She has not detailed where the money for her book would go, but it is a certain possiblity that it is not going to a cause that benefits mothers who are in the same situation as she claims she is in. It is definitely certain that she is the worlds worst mother. She would make Joan Crawford look like a good mother. Losing someone in battle is a somber and remorseful thought, but has anyone considered what lead to her son's death? Does a solder die for his country or for just one person? Casey Sheehan volunteered to join the Army. Casey Sheehan volunteered to go to Iraq. Casey Sheehan volunteered join the Quick Reation Force to go rescue other troops. If anything, Casey Sheehan was the exact opposite of his mother. Where as everyone else in his family honors Casey Sheehan, Cindy Sheehan humiliates her son post mortem.

[edit] People with personal adgendas

  • Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) - Trying to abolish one of the most vital government agencies, the National Weather Service.
  • Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) - Who needs duche when you are the biggest duche second only to Crossing Over's John Edwards? She's also incahoots with Jack Tompson. Secondly, why should we be taking family values from a woman who never valued her husband?
  • Senators Ted Stevens (R-AK) and Robert Byrd (D-WV) - Taking turns as president pro-tempre. These two guys are the oldest people in the Senate right now and neither of them have a clue that this is the 21st Century. They also used to be pals with the finally deceased Strom Thurmond. Separately, the are also a real pain.
    • Stevens loves to add pork to bills such as the "Bridge to nowhere." Futhermore, it wasn't until June of 2006 that Stevens finally got the internet. (Welcome to 1996, Mr. Stevens.) But probably the biggest blunder that will haunt him to his dying day will be the "series of tubes" speech. Senator Stevens is suppost to be the head of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. He's suppost to know what an IP address is or what net neurtrality means. He's suppost to be in charge of the committee concering America's technology and scientific achievements (of which Stevens is pro-Creationism, having not been touched by his noodly appendage), instead he is an obvlivious Internet meme magnet!
    • Byrd, despite being a former-KKK member (how do you write that on your resume and still get employeed?), has broken Thurmonds record of longest running politicican. That's White--er--I mean--West Virginia for you. No word as of yet if his office is wired with Internet access or if his office uses two tin-cans and a piece of string.

[edit] Notorious Dislikes


  • When you buy music from RIAA-supporting record lables, you are really supporting the DMCA
  • When you support the DMCA, you are really supporting the WIPO and the WTO
  • When you support the WIPO and the WTO, you are supporting global organizations and global corporations.
  • When you support global organizations and global corporations, you allow foreign invaders to manipulate the American government and the American economy.
  • When you let foreign invaders pick Manchurian Candidates to run a country or corporations, especially from America, you allow sleeper agents to dictate foreign policy, foreign trade, perhaps start a war, or manipulate trends in technology, culture, energy, healthcare, media, and business in general.
  • Of course, most people don't really care. Most people don't want to care. The very though of thinking about such terrible ideas is enough for people to justify their ignorance using television, music, or pop cultre as a panacea. What it really makes them is another faceless victum of a 20-80 society.

[edit] "Kneejerk Mafias"

The Kneejerk Mafia is a term I use to describe the part of the general public that is willing to react when ever they hear news stories that sound like the sky is falling. It is the polar opposite of the so-called "Trenchcoat Mafia". Notice the emphasis on "polar opposite". This means that if the Trenchcoat Mafia was on one end of the spectrum, the Kneejerk Mafia would be on the other side of the spectrum. Kind of like the way on the political spectrum you have the "far left" and the "far right". The Kneejerk Mafia is basically a modern day version of the villagers with pitchforks and tourches looking for witches to burn. Someone should really read Arthur Miller's The Crucible. Oh wait, that's right. God might smite them if they read the dirty words in the pathetic list of "banned books" they created because everyone has to be "politically correct" and "kinder and gentiler". I refuse to bend to the politically correct because it is incorrect! Being kinder or gentiler is less than kind and far from gentile.

[edit] "Colorblind Medias"

I am not a racists, but did you ever notice that when a white woman gets kidnapped, they media stays focused on it for days and assumes that it is some black guy? Did you ever notice that whenever a black man assaults a white person there is a group of black people who call it racial profiling but when a white person assault a black person that same group of people call it a hate crime. I'm all for tolerance and diversity, but when the media tell the world that a group of angry white protestors attacked a group of non-white people without telling us why the group of angry white people were mad in the first place and without acknowledging that that the group of angry white people was a group of angry people so they can call it a race riot is ignorant.

A good example of the colorblind media would be the 2005 Sydney Riots. Yes, there were white Aussies in the riot, but there were also Black Aussies and Aboriginal Aussies. However, because the media is so desensitized, they don't see this as a riot, they see it as a race riot.

If the media had actually done there homework they would have seen that this was not Aussies harrassing foriegners, but foreigners harrassing Aussies. To make matters worse, the foreigners believe that they can be excluded from the Austrailia laws. It's like a sane person who commits a crime and goes to court pleading insanity.

While rioting is wrong, anger is justified. One should never cover up their anger with ignorance.

[edit] Things I'd like to do some day

[edit] Start a pirate shortwave radio station.

I think the world can pretty much agree with me when I say there are too many radioevangelists on shortwave and that Americans have bad taste in music. America listens to complete garbage produced by the recording industry. Why not start a rock station that plays old time Rock'n'Roll like Chuck Berry, Elvis Pressly, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, David Allen Coe, etc. America mainly listens to AM and FM radio. The rest of the world listens to shortwave or AM. I bet there are alot of people who are tired of hearing some preacher tell them how evil they are because "they don't have Jesus in their lives". Personally, I'd like to hear someone who is not a Christian call up these guys and tell them to shut up or better yet say "you talk too much, play some Sammy Hagar". They can do this with all the Christian religious radio stations except for EWTN, who are OK because they don't shout at people for money. That's pretty much the reason behind all those religious radio stations. "Give money to the Lord!" If God is so omnipotent, why doesn't he make his own money instead of asking people for it?

[edit] Buy a riverboat

While most riverboat are used for gambling offshore (floating in a river is considered to be legally "offshore" because gambling on land is illegal in some states), I just want to get a boat just because as larger gambling corporations purchase riverboats, they decided to dock them permenantly or put them in a moat. Could you imaging Mark Twain writing The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn where Huck and Jim are floating in small lake? Heck, no!

I want to own a boat that travels the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers. These rivers are considered part of the culture both to the Native American tribes that onced lived along the rivers and to the settlers who founded the major cities that are vital to trade and commerce.

[edit] Favorite Quotes

  • On religon: "Jesus loves you, but the rest of the world thinks you're an asshole."
  • On emos: "You say that you are miserable. You say that life sucks. Well you live like kings and queens compared to those who REALLY have problems. You never know how lucky you are until you have actually helped out with those truely less fortunate and downtrotten than you."
  • On kindness: "One random act of kindness is greater than any random act of violence."
  • On operating systems: "Whose operating system would you rather use: An operating system created by several American college dropouts who majored in accounting or an operating system created by a Finnish college graduate who majored in computer science?"

[edit] Website

[edit] Binary Contributions

  • I created an SVG version of User:Rt66lt's Missouri State Highway signs for the Missouri State Highways Project using Inkscape called Image:Mohwytemp.svg.
  • I'd like to create State maps that are broken down into counties. This way, Local maps can be devlope based on City limits, Zip Codes, GPS co ordinates instead of dots. Evemtually, elevation would be added as well as highways. But this is a long term project. Much effort would be required for me to accomplish such a project.

[edit] Wall O' Babel

Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
Linux This user contributes using Linux.
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prog-3 This user is an advanced programmer.
c-3 This user is an advanced C programmer.
c++-3 This user is an advanced C++ programmer.
Java-2 This user is an intermediate Java programmer.
Perl-2 This user is an intermediate Perl programmer.
re This user is a regular expression programmer.
xml This user can write XML.
sql This user can program in SQL.
html-3 This user is an advanced HTML user.
This user is a mad scientist.
gk This user is a geek.
sane This user is relatively sane and will not stab you when you sleep
This user is proud to be an American.
o_O This user is a moderate fan of anime.
js-2 This user is an intermediate JavaScript coder.
This user contributes using Vim.
This user hails from the St. Louis, Missouri Area.

Eagle Scout Knot

This user is an Eagle Scout.